Out Briefing External Safety Management Review Blanco 4-m Telescopes March 26-28, 2012
Notable Practices and Transition Process Culture is evolving and on the right track from a classical observatory type operation to a process based operation DECam and Chilean safety laws initiated and driving this transition (1.5 years) Tremendous effort with resources available Policies and procedures are being developed The JHA/DocDB processes are developing The work done on the DECam Installation Plan is commendable Evidence of the seriousness of management's continued emphasis on safety CTIO is very aware of communication issues with regards to language differences Overall on the right track
Findings and Observations Finding: The Blanco Telescope was not properly locked out. Lockout/Tagout plan and procedures need to be reviewed, implemented and communicated before continuing with work in the Blanco. Chain of command issues remain despite the fact that previous project reviews have identified this issue. Observations: Walk through of Blanco dome general safety issues; electrical panels open, piping not properly labeled, sling storage, unmarked panic button, general housekeeping, evacuation route signage - Multitude of smaller items brings into question the ownership of safety by all personnel
Recommendations Continue to reinforce following appropriate chain of command with regards to task modification, departure from daily plans and procedures. Control of hazardous energy policies and procedures Develop, document and communicate M1 removal and storage specific procedure Specifically including cover installation since this is a new, untested, critical component. Establish threshold for critical and hazardous tasks. Develop step by step procedures/JHA for all such tasks. Control documentation to ensure the most up-to-date procedures are used. Safety officer should be placed appropriately in org chart directly reporting to Chris. Consider combining nurse crew into safety department.
Recommendations Communicate safety ownership, safety is the responsibility of everyone. Safety manual very construction dominated. Does not seem to apply directly to current operations. Subjects should indicate clear roles and responsibilities. Process to document, respond to, and close safety and housekeeping issues.
DECam punchlist The review panel recommends that the DECam installation proceed after a review of the Cass cage lift procedures and the M1 removal and cover installation Implement and communicate Lockout/Tagout policies and plans
Thank you for your hospitality!