By: Jessica, Kelsey, Carson, Cole
Location ●The CDC is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, a few miles northeast of the Atlanta city limits. ●1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA USA ●800-CDC-INFO ( ), TTY:
Other Organizations ●The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services.
CDC Report ●The CDC is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services
CDC Funding ●Earns funds by fundraising in the states, donations by supporters, and funding by the U.S Government ●The also fundraise by doing charity work such as 5K runs, dinners with the elderly, children hospitals, and sites that are partners with the CDC.
Charity Work ●blood drives ●jobs for veterans ●VA hospital visits ●dinners and banquets ●food drives
Government Funding ●2017 budget of $6.98 Billion ●$2.5B toward protecting Americans against infectious disease, 35.8% of the 2017 budget ●$145M towards buildings, facilities, and program support, 2% of the 2017 budget.
CDC and Listeriosis Ever since September, 2015, the CDC has been collaborating with the FDA to investigate the outbreaks of listeriosis in multiple states across the U.S. July, 5th, nine cases have come up involving listeriosis in packaged salads. After many investigations, they found that the source of the outbreaks were coming from a Dole salad packaging facility in Springfield, Ohio. Further investigation is underway.
Autism Graph
Hepatitis A Graph
Location ●The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with international public health. It was established on 7 April 1948, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
Other Organizations ●The World Health Assembly is the supreme decision-making body for WHO. It generally meets in Geneva in May each year, and is attended by delegations from all 194 Member States. Its main function is to determine the policies of the Organization.
WHO Report ●The constitution of the World Health Organization had been signed by 61 countries on 22 July 1946, with the first meeting of the World Health Assembly finishing on 24 July It incorporated the Office International d'Hygiène Publique and the League of Nations Health Organization.
Funding ●2017 Budget of $4,384,900 ●Voluntary contributions are 51.4% of the budget ●Assessed contributions are 21.1% of the budget ●Projected funding is 15.9% of the budget.
Drinking Water ●Water safety plans have been implemented in every region of the world. ●health risks may arise from consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals and radiological hazards.
WHO Water Crisis ●Flint residents were given false assurances that water was safe, lawsuits allege. ●State data confirms that lead levels are higher in children’s blood than adults
Water Crisis Video
The WHO Building
Works Cited "CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web. 01 Mar "Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Packaged Salads Produced at Springfield, Ohio Dole Processing Facility." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web. 01 Mar "World Health Organization." World Health Organization Web. 01 Mar