Setting and Achieving Own Targets, Goals and Objectives
Action Plans An action plan is a tool that enables future actions to be specified and scheduled.
Action Plans There are 3 main components to an action plan: Goals Activities Time-scales
Goals, activities and time scales Goals – targets to be achieved Activities – provide details of what has to be done in order to meet the goals Time-scales – specify deadlines for the completion of activities and the overall achievement of the goals
Targets and Objectives When focusing on finishing a project or achieving a goal one of the preliminary stages for successful completion is setting targets. After defining the problem you need to generate ideas to proceed, detail targets and objectives The plan should include tasks and deadlines that will complete the project.
Smart Objectives Objectives should always be SMART: S pecific – describe precise or specific behaviour/outcome which is linked to a rate, number, percentage or frequency. M easurable – construct a reliable system to measure progress towards the achievement of the objective.
Smart Objectives A chievable – ensure that with reasonable effort and application the objective can be achieved. R ealistic – make sure that the task can be completed – do you have enough knowledge, authority or skill to complete the objective?
Smart Objectives T ime-based – clearly state the start and finish dates – is the work feasible in the time available?