Update from the Governors Highway Safety Association AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety Minneapolis, MN 28 April 2016
FAST Act Five-year bill signed on December 4, 2015 – Behavioral programs (Secs 402, 405) not effective until FY2017 (October 1, 2016) Minimal structural changes from MAP-21 – Modified incentive grants (Sec 405) and created new grant on Nonmotorized Safety FAST Act removes ability to use HSIP funds for non-infrastructure safety programs* – Does not restrict use of HSIP funds for SHSP development
News GHSA Providing Grants to States For Drugged- Driving Law Enforcement Training – 4 states receiving $20,000 to enhance LEO training 2015 Early Estimates Show Nearly 10% Increase in Fatalities – Lower gas prices and better economy contribute – Thousands still unbuckled, speeding, and impaired
Safety Research Increasing Speed Limits Increases Fatalities – New report from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety States With Anti-Texting Laws Have Fewer Texting Drivers – Data from AT&T
#GHSA2016 Seattle August 2016 Focus will be on how technological innovations can impact drivers and the act of driving. Agenda and details at: