3 KCP&L will design and install a network of more than 1,100 EV charging stations (2,200 plus charging ports) Infrastructure sufficient to charge 14,000+ EV’s The vast majority will be Level 2 charging stations with some Level 3 (DC fast charge) stations Installed in groups of 3-5 stations with ports for up to 10 vehicles Designed as utility infrastructure Focus on publicly accessible, high population density / long dwell time areas, workplaces and geographic dispersion Completely free to host companies except for first two years electricity use One standard communications and payment platform Time of use rates, demand management programs and vehicle to grid distributed electric discharge
4 The KCP&L Corporate Jet Annual Operations Cost + Grid Investment Number of Kilowatt Hours Used
5 EV’s Are Priceline For The Grid Mandates & Aging Grid: Costs kWh’s: Solar & EE Electric Vehicles
6 Smart Electrification Improved Environment Economic Development Customer Programs Utility Cost and Infrastructure Advantages Proactive Policymaking KCP&L Clean Charge Network
Why EV Charging? Why Now? Why KCP&L? 7 Electric vehicle sales are outpacing the adoption of hybrid vehicles: 17 models currently available; 18 more expected within 18 months Annual EV growth is better than 100% (ranges from 103% - 525%) There are 225,000 EV’s currently the road in the U.S. 1,600 in Missouri (107% annual growth); 692 in Kansas (153% annual growth) Considerable cost savings for EV drivers (fuel and maintenance) Readily available electric vehicle charging stations are necessary for EV adoption: Average EV driver has a commute of 40 miles a day or less Range anxiety is a major barrier to purchasing an EV; the ability to charge outside the home is critical to eliminating this barrier Where there is EV infrastructure, EV’s are selling at a robust pace Electric utilities are uniquely positioned to build out EV charging station networks: EV charging stations need to access the electric grid Utilities are infrastructure companies with customer touch points throughout the region Where EV’s sales are high, existing third party charging infrastructure is quickly outpaced Cost to develop a first stage EV network is cost prohibitive for third parties Policy implications are vetted through a formal and vigorous regulatory and stakeholder process
Customer Interaction 8