SEC/TAC Liaison Report Ron Kohl Scitech 2016
What’s new This week I am telling you about: Status of 2016 standards development New SEC material to encourage TCs/PCs to produce products International Standards efforts SEC strategic plans 2
Standards Status 2016 Published in 2015 AIAA G , Terrestrial Environment Guidelines for Use in Aerospace Vehicle Development ANSI/AIAA S-017B-2015, Aerodynamic Decelerator and Parachute Drawings ANSI/AIAA S A-2015, Capability-Based Product Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Requirements AIAA S-120A-2015, Mass Properties Control for Space Systems (PR review comments being resolved) Work in Progress 2016 ANSI/AIAA S X, Multipactor Breakdown Prevention in Spacecraft Components AIAA S X, Occupant-Imparted Loads for Commercial Suborbital RLVs Waiting for Drafts 2016 ANSI/AIAA S-077A-201X, Guide for the Verification and Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics ANSI/AIAA S-080A-201X, Metallic Pressure Vessels, Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components ANSI/AIAA S-081B-201X, Standard for Space Systems: Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPVs) AIAA G-095A-201X, Guide for Safety of Hydrogen and Hydrogen Syste ANSI/AIAA S-117A-201X, Space Systems Verification Program and Management Process 3
Campaign to Collect Informal Practices for Standards Objective: To identify informal documentation already developed by TCs and PCs that could potentially be released as AIAA Standards*: Best Practices Lessons Learned Guidelines Tips on using tools or applying methodologies Rules of Thumb Collections of related technical papers *Note: Standards documents include Standards, Recommended Practices, Guides, and Special Project Reports 4
Campaign to Collect Informal Practices for Standards Status: SEC has developed new material to share with TCs/PCs to indicate opportunities for new products Will work with Betty to disseminate materials to TC/PC chairs SEC to work with responding committees to review documentation and convert to standards where appropriate SEC reviewed TC Chair training material and decided that adding more material to this document was not the best path 5
International Standards Status Secretariat for ISO/TC 20/SC 13 (Space Data Information Transfer Systems) ISO/TC 20/SC 14 (Space Systems and Operations) ISO/TC 20/SC 17 (Airport Infrastructure) U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/TC 20/SC 13, SC 14, and SC 17 ISO/TC 20/SC 16 (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Working on a plan to share more technical details from these ISO space standards meetings with the AIAA space community (e.g. SMG, PCs, etc) 6
SEC Strategic replanning Position AIAA as the primary SDO for space systems standards and a leader in aviation/unmanned aerial systems standards. Make the AIAA standards program into a self- sustaining or profit-earning area of the Institute through a combination of new sources of revenue, re-thinking member benefits, and effective use of government contracts. 7