Euro RGB Structure ISKCON EUROPE March 2011 International Society for Krishna Consciousness Founder-acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Contents: 1.Introduction 2.GBC resolution Euro-RGB Body 4.GBC Secretary Service Description 5.Divisional Secretary Service Description 6.Selection Process of Divisional Secretaries 7.Note to National Council Members
Introduction This presentation outlines the various elements of the current structure of ISKCON in Europe. It also includes the service descriptions of both the GBC and Euro-Divisional Secretaries, and outlines a selection process for Euro- Divisional Secretaries.
Introduction National Councils are invited to consider this document and especially the selection/ratification of Euro-Divisional Secretaries. If national councils members require further clarification about any element of this structure please do not hesitate to contact the Euro-RGB EC.
1. GBC Resolution 2004 That the GBC Body hereby designates "Europe" as a "Region" as defined under ISKCON Law (as revised at the 2002 AGM). The region may consist of any or all of the following countries as may be decided by the local leaders of each country, with notification to the GBC Secretary.
2. Summary of Euro structure European zones European divisions within zones GBC Secretaries Euro-Divisional Secretaries Euro Ministries
2. European nomenclature of GBC services An International GBC Secretary serving within Europe is referred to as a GBC Zonal Secretary An assistant to the GBC Zonal Secretary is referred to as an Euro-Divisional Secretary
2. Zones and Divisions There are 7 zones There are 11 divisions
Division 1:UK, Ireland Division 2:Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, 2. Zone 1
Division 1:Czech, Slovakia Division 2:Poland Division 3:Finland Division 4:(Baltic) 2. Zone 2
Division 1:France Division 2:Spain, Division 3:Portugal Division 4:Netherlands, Division 5:Belgium, Luxemburg 2. Zone 3
Division 1:Italy, Malta Division 2:Greece, Cyprus 2. Zone 4
Division 1:Germany, Austria Division 2:Switzerland, Liechtenstein 2. Zone 5
2. Zone 6 Division 1:Hungary Division 2:Romania, Bulgaria Division 3:Turkey
2. Zone 7 Secretary 1:Slovenia, Division 2:Bosnia, Division 3:Croatia Division 4: Serbia, Division 5:Kosovo, Division 6:Montenegro Division 7:Albania, Macedonia
The Euro-RGB Body will consist of: GBC Zonal Secretaries Euro-Divisional Secretaries Euro Ministers Invited guests such as resident sannyasis, gurus, senior preacher spending at least 8 months in Europe. 3. Euro RGB Body
The Euro-RGB Body oversees the activities of ISKCON and its members within the designated European Region The Euro-RGB Body appoints/ratifies Euro-Divisional Secretaries and Ministers Proposes GBC Zonal Secretaries for ratification by the International GBC Body at the annual AGM Mayapur 3. Role of the Body
Consists of the Chairman, First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman Each year the exiting Chairman stays on the e- conference for 1 year to enhance continuity Calls annual European Leadership Meeting Conducts biannual Euro-RGB meetings Executes directives of the Euro-RGB Body between the meetings Deals with issues as needed throughout the year 3. The Executive Committee of the Body
Serves for life as per Srila Prabhupada’s instructions for GBC members. Oversees and helps to expand the preaching mission within his zone Oversees the work of Euro-Divisional Secretaries Oversees purity and standards of temples and devotees within their zone Awareness of financial and legal issues pertaining to their zone Communicates regularly with Euro-Divisional Secretaries International representative on the GBC Body 4. GBC Zonal Secretary Service Description
Safeguards ISKCON properties (according to property trustee standards) Ensures international GBC standards (bylaws and resolutions) are followed Communicates regularly with other Euro-Divisional secretaries Travels regularly within his/her zone Submits monthly reports to GBC Secretary Spiritual leadership Maintains and upholds European vision 4. Global GBC Service Description
Travel regularly within their zone Avoid acting in such a way that would cause conflict of interest Post is full time (spending at least 8 months in the European region). Accountable for development of the ISKCON projects within their zones Member of the Euro-RGB Body Sees to implementation of Euro RGB Body directives Receives reports from temples and projects in their zone 4. Global GBC Service Description
The Euro-Divisional Secretary assists with those services that the Global GBC delegates to them within their division. 5. Euro-Divisional Secretary Service Description
Initial proposal comes from either the GBC Secretary or the National Council. They identify candidates from within their region qualified for this service. Proposal of nominees goes to Euro-RGB Body. The Euro-RGB Body considers the nominees and appoints Euro-Divisional Secretaries. 6. Selection process of Euro- Divisional Secretaries
You are invited to nominate from your region candidates to serve as Euro-Divisional Secretaries. You are invited to nominate candidates to serve as Ministers for various ministerial posts. 7. Note to all National Council Members