Music Class at Mills Pond Special Area Subjects Music We have music one time per week. Our music teacher is Mrs. Gianni. One thing we like about music class is that you get to sing and dance. We like singing Christmas music and we love playing the instruments. We learn new songs and play really fun games. Mrs. Gianni has a good voice and we like her singing in music class. She also has skills on the piano. She really expresses herself with singing and dancing. Mrs. Gianni is so nice and she never yells.
Mrs. Gianni shows us how to do a sea shanty called the Terpsichore Dance.
At Mills Pond, in 3 rd grade, the music curriculum connects closely with the social studies curriculum.
Library Class at Mills Pond Special Area Subjects Library We have library one time per week. Our library teacher is Mrs. Prescott. We like library class because we get to choose our own book, any book. There are so many topics of nonfiction and fiction books to research. We like to look for nonfiction books about space. We love library because there are books and if you want a theme you can get the books and all the books at the library take you on a journey. We can learn about different things in the books. In library class, we like to listen to Mrs. Prescott read a book. She has good feelings for her books. One thing I love about library class is Mrs. Prescott lets us go on the laptops. Mrs. Prescott is not mean to us and makes us do the right thing. She helps us look for books we love.
Searching for books on the computers. Looking for a great biography to check out.
Mrs. Prescott reads a biography on Tressa Prisbrey to us. In third grade, we all read biographies to learn about famous people. If you would like to find out who “Grandma” Prisbrey was, check out this website:
Third Graders study Japan In our Japanese clothing.
Third Graders study Japan With our teacher, Mrs. Hall. We wrote Haiku poems.
A simple glossary using Japanese characters. Third Graders study Japan
Art work on display. Third Graders study Japan Mrs. Echezuria serves tea at our Japanese celebration.