About RobAbout Rob Graduated from Columbia International University. Earned TEFL Certification from CIU. Currently completing a Master’s degree in TESOL from the Institute of Education, University College London. Moved to Taiwan six years ago
About JaciAbout Jaci Graduated from University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign Taught one year at HESS International Schools in Taoyuan before moving to Taipei to teach at Taipei Language Institute and Guangren Elementary. Moved to Taiwan two years ago.
Grade 5Grade 5 In the classroom Fall 2016
Benefits of the Environment Students will have a great deal of opportunity to speak English. By sitting in small groups students will engage each other in English in such a way that will help them to improve together. Picture association and physical response will help to develop positive language learning habits. A friendly, conversation based class atmosphere will ease the stress students feel engaging a new language.
How do I teach?How do I teach? At the start of each class difficult vocabulary will be previewed as a class using authentic realia. As a class we will discuss the month’s story. We will review and discuss throughout our time with each story. Students will encourage one another and complete writing task in the book as a small group or individually. Students will be encouraged to ask difficult questions and conversation is the primary focus.
Class AssessmentClass Assessment MMaking mistakes during class will not be penalized and is encouraged. TThe Midterm and the Final will each be worth 35% of the final score. EEffort in class will be worth 20% of the score. TThe final 10% will come from Group Participation.
How Can Parents Help?How Can Parents Help? Building positive habits is beneficial to acquiring and retaining a new language. By treating English as a source of fun or entertainment students may develop their listening and speaking skills. This can be achieved with television, movies or even video games during leisure time. Encourage students to share what they have learned about in class.