Sascha Schmeling & Emmanuel Tsesmelis LHC RRB Scrutiny Group Autumn Meeting August 2009
Introduction Category C (from experiment M&O MoUs) General maintenance and operation expenses that are provided to the Collaboration from CERN, acting in its role as Host Laboratory. Costs are paid by CERN from its operating budget. Subject to the General Conditions for Experiments Performed at CERN, the Category C headings are listed below: Safety & radioprotection, INB compliance, radioactive waste disposal, access system, elevators, gerant de site, flood control, insurance (CERN standard), cleaning, office space. The initial Category C cost estimates for the period were drawn up in 2001 by the then CERN Management.
Report from Meeting with Experiments 21 July 2009 Development of Category C headings More detailed definitions of the existing headings required. New headings may need to be incorporated in the list: e.g. communications (video conferencing), crane & rigging services, doors at experimental areas, transport of material, power An accord based on either a Service Level Agreement (SLA) or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the provision of Category C services should be developed and agreed between CERN and the LHC experiments. The case of ATLAS shall serve as the initial example and which will subsequently be applied to the other experiments. The Category C cost estimates need to be evaluated and projected for the next 5 years ( ), for example. All agreements need to be firmly linked to a CERN plan, e.g. the Medium Term Plan, and funds for providing the services need to be fixed. A procedure for updates of the agreements needs to be found.