UCISA AGM 2012 Treasurer’s Report 14 th March 2013 Colin Addy University of Wolverhampton
AGM Voting 1.To approve the Trustees’ Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement for To approve the budget for To set the membership fee for 2014 at the same level as the 2013 level. 4.To approve the draft budget for To reappoint Wenn Towsend (Oxford) as the Association’s auditors for 2013.
2012 Results (1) Financial Statement for Year Ending 31 Dec 2012 see “Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements” link on UCISA web site Net Operating Result = £213k Year on Year Increase in UCISA Value = £491K Year on Year Value Increase due to an adjustment in the declared 2011 Total Funds of £185k – {a} VAT adjustment and {b} Contract Failure provision, AND Total Increase from 2011 = £306k £213k + £93k (unrealised investment gains) = £306k)
2012 Results (2) Reserves Stated at £1.925M The current Reserves Policy is presented in the in Finance Review – in the Trustees’ Report. New Category of Reserves Unassigned Reserves stated at £480k Subject to Separate Paper on Reserves AGM Agenda Item 4.4 Cost of running the Association500,000 Redundancy and relocations costs275,000 Cancellation of contracts in place300,000 Unrealised gains on investments270,000 Working capital100,000 Unassigned Reserves480,000 Total£1,925,000
2013 Budget Draft approved at 2012 AGM Anticipated surplus = £17k Revised for Approval at 2013 AGM Revised surplus = £14k Assumes Membership income = £475k Revised Events income (based upon circa 50% 2012 results) Assumes static investments and costs Includes provision for web-site work and new projects Includes 5% general increase for Office Contract Includes £60k additional Office Contract staff increase (2 x FTEs) Subject to Executive approval for event subsidy as part of new Reserve Policy E.g. an allocation £100k (from Reserves) Published on UCISA web site
2013 Budget (for Approval at AGM 14th March 2013) ResultDraft 2013 Operating Costs Support costs 1Oxford contract (part) (a) (b)£450,903 £356,341£408,877 2Oxford contract (Hosting) incl in 1 3Administration (part)£40,000 £41,967£45,000 4Bank & credit card charges£6,600 £7,246£6,600 5Business Systems£22,000 £25,667£20,000 6Web Content management£48,000 £26,861£18,000 7Meeting expenses (part)£8,000 £7,429£8,000 8Public Liability insurance£550 £576£575 9Survey & Statistics services ©£ Support for executive members representing UCISA at events etc. incl 7 & 19 11Support for Leadership Scheme and similar (d)£7,000 £5,000£7,000 12Support for good practice awards (e)£7,000 £571£7,000 13Publicity£2,500 £0£2,500 14Unspecified projects, case studies, regional liaison (f)£30,000 £5,128£20,000 Total operating costs£622,553 £476,786£543,552 Governance 15Administration (part)£1,500 £1,454£1,500 16Audit£10,000 £7,990£10,000 17Administration (part of Oxford Contract)£8,000 £7,272£8,000 18Meeting expenses (part)£450 £391£450 19Public Liability insurance (part)£30 Total governance£19,980 £17,137£19,980 20Contingency (3%)£19,276 £16,906 Total£661,809 £493,923£563, ResultDraft 2013 Income 21Member subscriptions£475,000 £497,500£466,000 22Investment income£1,200 £1,251£1, surplus from conferences, training and other activities £100,000 £196,057£160, £100k subsidy from Reserves £100,000 £0 25 Other income (Recoverable VAT) £12,115 Total£676,200 £706,923£627,200 Balance Income£676,200 £706,923£627,200 Operating costs£661,809 £493,923£563,532 Bad debts£0 Surplus (Deficit)£14,391 £213,000£63,668
2014 Budget (Draft ) On the web at Based on projection of 2013 budget Includes 5% general increase for Office Contract Assumes level attendance at events Assumes sustained membership numbers and no membership subscription increase Executive to develop a new Reserve Policy - assumes an allocation for Event Subsidy at £75k (from Reserves) Minimum increase in value of investments Planned surplus of £8K For Approval at AGM
DRAFT 2014 Budget (for Approval at AGM 14th March 2013) Result Draft 2014 Operating Costs Support costs 1Oxford contract (part) (a) (b) £450,903£356,341 £473,448 2Oxford contract (Hosting) incl in 1 3Administration (part) £40,000£41,967 £45,000 4Bank & credit card charges £6,600£7,246 £6,600 5Business Systems £22,000£25,667 £25,000 6Web Content management £48,000£26,861 £0 7Meeting expenses (part) £8,000£7,429 £8,000 8Public Liability insurance £550£576 £600 9Survey & Statistics services © £ Support for executive members representing UCISA at events etc. incl 7 & 19 11Support for Leadership Scheme and similar (d) £7,000£5,000 £7,000 12Support for good practice awards (e) £7,000£571 £7,000 13Publicity £2,500£0 £2,500 14Unspecified projects, case studies, regional liaison (f) £30,000£5,128 £45,000 Total operating costs £622,553£476,786 £620,148 Governance 15Administration (part) £1,500£1,454 £1,500 16Audit £10,000£7,990 £12,000 17Administration (part of Oxford Contract) £8,000£7,272 £9,000 18Meeting expenses (part) £450£391 £650 19Public Liability insurance (part) £30 Total governance £19,980£17,137 £23,180 20Contingency (3%) £19,276 £19,300 Total £661,809£493,923 £643, Result Draft 2014 Income 21Member subscriptions £475,000£497,500 £475,000 22Investment income £1,200£1,251 £1, surplus from conferences, training and other activities £100,000£196,057 £100, Events subsidy from Reserves £100,000£0 £75, Other income (Recoverable VAT) £12,115 Total £676,200£706,923 £651,200 Balance Income £676,200£706,923 £651,200 Operating costs £661,809£493,923 £643,328 Bad debts £0 Surplus (Deficit) £14,391£213,000 £7,872
AGM Voting (Re-Cap) 1.To approve the Trustees’ Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement for To approve the budget for To set the membership fee for 2014 at the same level as the 2013 level. 4.To approve the draft budget for To reappoint Wenn Towsend (Oxford) as the Association’s auditors for 2013.
UCISA AGM 2012 Agenda Item 4.4 UCISA Reserves Policy 14 th March 2013 Colin Addy University of Wolverhampton
Options for Use of Unassigned Reserves Reduce Membership Fees Subsidise Event Fees 50% or f.o.c.? Develop new services for membership Develop new sector services Develop new sponsorships / bursaries Award grants for projects Enhance HQ services and systems Exec Planning Days (April) Consult Membership Consult Sector Associates Constitutional Changes Legal advice Charity Commission