18 Substance misuse treatment contributes to many PHOF indicators Slide 18 Successful completion of drug treatment Alcohol-related admissions to hospital Re-offending Take up of the NHS Health Check Programme – by those eligible Cancer screening coverage Treatment completion for TB Preventable sight loss Smoking status at time of delivery Breastfeeding Under 18 conceptions Smoking prevalence – adult (over 18s) Recorded diabetes Population vaccination coverage Access to non-cancer screening programmes Statutory homelessness year olds not in education, employment or training People with mental illness or disability in settled accommodation Children in poverty Self-reported wellbeing People presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital Suicide Mortality from respiratory diseases Mortality from liver disease Mortality from cancer Mortality from cardiovascular diseases Hospital admissions as a result of self- harm Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in under 18s Low birth weight of term babies Chlamydia diagnoses ( year olds) Pupil absence First time entrants to the youth justice system Domestic abuse Violent crime (including sexual violence) Substance misuse specific Contribution through increased access to other health services Employment for those with a long- term health condition including those with a learning difficulty/disability or mental illness Older peoples’ perception of community safety Emotional wellbeing of looked after children People entering prison with substance dependence issues who are previously not known to community treatment Cancer diagnosed at stage 1 and 2 Mortality from causes considered preventable Mortality from communicable diseases
19 Substance misuse treatment contributes to many PHOF indicators Slide 19 Air pollution Public sector organisations with board- approved sustainable development management plan Excess winter deaths Excess weight in 4- 5 and year olds The percentage of the population affected by noise Killed or seriously injured casualties on England’s roads Excess weight in adults Utilisation of green space for exercise/ health reasons Hip fractures in over 65s School readiness People in prison who have a mental illness or significant mental illness Sickness absence rate Social connectedness Child development at years Smoking prevalance – 15 year olds Diet Falls and injuries in the over 65s Proportion of physically active and inactive adults Comprehensive, agreed inter-agency plans for responding to public health incidents Tooth decay in children aged 5 Excess under 75 mortality in adults with serious mental illness Heath-related quality of life for older people Dementia and its impacts No contribution from substance misuse treatment Fuel poverty Infant mortality