City of Oakley Grant Proposal Diabetes Diabetes affects millions of Americans. It can lead to complications of the kidney, heart, and respiratory system. Diabetes can be controlled by medicine but it can also, in many circumstances be prevented. Most doctors agree diet and exercise are contributing factors in diabetes. We are proposing a summer camp to help obese children get exercise and learn how to stay healthy. Summer Camp Garden
Diabetes Maintaining Homeostasis Blood sugar levels should be between 70/100 mg/L If blood sugar levels are to high insulin is produced and converts glucose to glycogen. If they are too low then glycogen is converted back to glucose. The pancreas and the liver produce insulin and glucagon to convert glucose to glycogen. And visa versa. Feedback loops control Blood Sugar Levels.
Central Nervous System Central Nervous Systems The CNS detects changes in the blood sugar levels (BSL) and sends messages to the liver or pancreas to create insulin or glucagon to regulate BSL. The brain and the spinal cord send and receive messages between the liver and the pancreas. CNS detects BSL and maintains homeostasis.
How to spend the $1 billion Summer camp for obese/diabetic children - $ to pay for building the camp, hiring staff, supplies, and travel expenses for less fortunate Create a treatment facility for drug addicted person and his/her family to get counseling and get sober Create a children’s book Begin an across the country assembly tour to reach out to teens Distribution of our brochure to high schools and clinics nationwide PSA to be played during the Super Bowl Anything else you can think up!!!
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent
Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent