This photo was created by an advertising company in Barcelona, Spain, in an attempt to protect the Amazon rainforests. Presentation by Steve Zhang Honors English 1-2 Ms. Tanaka
No people shown Character
The note is white Color
The peace sign is red Color
Pizza has the most color In the photo Color
The pizza grease is dark Light
Angle is straight on Angle
The world has a proportional size Proportion
The note’s size is similar to the Earth’s Proportion
The peace sign is small Proportion
The world occupies most of picture Placement
The note occupies almost the same amount of space as Earth Placement
The peace sign is in the corner Placement
More pizza grease is shown, partially hidden Placement
The advertisement is made of cardboard Setting
There are holes in the cardboard Setting
Character: The photo displays no characters. This is to show that the photo’s message is not intended for anyone in particular. Rather, its message is for everyone. Since the creator’s message advocates saving the rainforest, and that the creator shows a lifeless treeless world, he may be suggesting that no one in particular can take the blame of a treeless future, but everyone should take the blame. The creator’s choice to not include any people also shows no movement or action. This lack of action suggests that the cause of a treeless future is inaction and is the cause for the “last slice” of pizza, the small strip of which the trees will exist. Color: The note is colored white. White is usually associated with purity and goodness, both of which are related to protecting the rainforests. This reinforces the fact that it inspires a feeling of taking action since the result of fighting will be good. However, the red peace sign represents the hardship and difficulty that fighting will experience in order to achieve that good result, since red is usually associated with violence. This gives the photo an ironic tone because violence and peace differ greatly. The pizza has the most color in the photo, which draws the most attention to it and since the rainforest is represented by the green on the pizza, it shows how precious the rainforest is to the world. The flamboyant colors also represent the beauty and treasure that the rainforest holds, something the world would be absent of if it were gone, which is depicted in the bland brown color. The brilliant colors on the pizza appeals to the hunger feeling, since the pizza looks the most delectable in the photo, but it causes the viewers to question themselves and invokes a feeling of doubt on them, because seizing the pizza away from the “world” will leave only a brown, dead world. By doing this, the creator also conveys a doubting feeling in the picture that’s prone to second-guessing. Light: The grease marks shows some of the countries, but they are discernible only by their darker colors. The darkness in the countries represents the sinister results of deforestation, as most of the countries shown are absent of forests. One country that’s shown, South America, is not as dark as the other countries because it possesses the Amazon, which is on a pizza slice that has considerably more light than any other part of the picture. The dark colors appeal to the viewer’s guilt and doubt because the grease is only shown because the pizza slices, which represent forests, were taken away.
Angle: The viewer has a bird eye’s view of the photo, which is to give them the complete view of the world and the effects of the loss of the rainforest. Proportion: The circle that represents the world has a normal size, and this gives the photo a sense of authenticity, as an overblown or shrunken image of the world would exaggerate or deemphasize his message about deforestation. By giving the model of the earth a realistic size, the creator of the photo exercises more credibility in their message. The note on the left, “Fight For The Last Slice”, has a size almost as large as the earth, and this stresses the creator’s message of fighting hard to protect the forests. The peace sign, which represents hardship yet also goodness, is very small and not very noticeable. By doing this, the creator shows that the good result, which is what the peace sign represents, is not as important as enjoying it than it is acquiring it. Placement: While the creator’s message advocates protecting the Amazon, the fact that he has the “world” occupy the majority of the picture, which would also make it more prominent than the “Fight For The Last Slice” note, means that drastic measures, which the note represents, should only be taken if the result will certainly help the earth, which is more prominent than the note. The creator does this because drastic measures tend to bring sudden results that usually damage one’s cause rather than strengthening it. This is further exemplified with the peace sign in the lower right, a little reminder that it’s better to protect the earth through peaceful means. The placement of the note appeals to the feeling of taking action, which the lack of characters implies; the inaction is the cause for a treeless future. On the left side of the picture, more pizza grease is shown, similar to that of the world. Taking into account of this similarity, this particular grease may represent the possible effects of forest loss in the other parts of the world. Setting: The setting of the photo is in a cardboard box. This represents the products that we made from trees that ultimately destroyed them. The photo suggests that the results of this overreliance of trees, which is represented by the cardboard setting, will be detrimental, as the pizza has left unsightly grease marks on the box, our world. The holes in the box represent the imperfectness of our dependence on trees by preventing the cardboard, which represents our overreliance of trees, from being whole, which shows that our overreliance on trees is unable to last forever. Its small size on the box shows how little we realize what the result of our overreliance of trees will bring us: a small strip of trees, represented by the slice of pizza.