City of Stockton Levee Flood Protection Status Report January 29, 2008 Agenda Item 4.03
FEMA Initiates A Nationwide Map Modernization Program On April 2006 FEMA notifies the City of Stockton of future Flood Insurance Rate Map changes
FEMA’s MAP MODERNIZATION PROGRAM Determine which levees meet FEMA’s current 100-Year flood protection regulations Update Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)
Formation of the San Joaquin County Flood Protection Technical Advisory Committee in 2006 Participating agencies include City of Stockton, Manteca, Lathrop, County, and Reclamation Districts and other local stakeholders, one voice Resolving issues with FEMA, Corps, Department of Water Resources Resolving issues with FEMA, Corps, Department of Water Resources State Legislation State Legislation Proposition 1E and 84 Proposition 1E and 84
On January 15, 2008 FEMA Releases New Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps
Dark blue FEMA preliminary 100-Year floodplains Light blue existing FEMA 100-Year floodplains
Preliminary Floodplain – Twin Creeks, Bear Creek Bear Creek Maintenance Deficiencies South side levee Twin Creeks
Strategies To Resolve Twin Creeks Preliminary 100-Year Floodplain Maintenance Deficiency (homeowner encroachments) Corps deadline to resolve March 28, 2008 Ongoing activities including working with County Flood Control, Corps and State Reclamation Board to identify and resolve encroachments If Maintenance Deficiency resolved levee will be accredited
Preliminary Floodplain – Calaveras River – Smith Canal Disaccredited Levees Calaveras River Maintenance Deficiencies South side levee
Strategies To Resolve South Bank Calaveras Preliminary 100-Year Floodplain Maintenance Deficiency (homeowner encroachments) Corps deadline to resolve March 28, 2008 Ongoing activities including working with County Flood Control, Corps and State Reclamation Board to identify and resolve encroachments If Maintenance Deficiency resolved then designated as a Provisionally Accredited Levee through March 28, 2010
Strategies To Resolve Smith Canal Preliminary 100-Year Floodplain Smith Canal floodplain will be effective April 2009 SJAFCA coordinating with Reclamation Districts 828 and 1614 to develop a Feasibility Study for a Closure Structure on Smith Canal A 218 Election may be necessary to fund closure structure
Preliminary Floodplain – Reclamation District 404 Maintenance Deficiencies
Strategies To Resolve Boggs Tract Preliminary 100-Year Floodplain Maintenance Deficiency-Reclamation District’s responsibility Corps deadline to resolve March 28, 2008 If Maintenance Deficiency resolved then designated as a Provisionally Accredited Levee through March 28, 2010
Approved Provisionally Accredited Levees Documentation Required: -Freeboard -Embankment Protection -Stability -Settlement -Interior Drainage -Operation & Maintenance Plans PALS RD 17 RD 403 Shima Atlas 14 Mile Calaveras River
Provisionally Accredited Levee Ongoing Activities Working with local Reclamation Districts and County Flood Control on submittal of levee certification data. FEMA requires Provisionally Accredited Levee data by August 22, 2009, and March 28, 2010, for the Calaveras River and Atlas Tract Levees.
Reclamation District 17 Early Implementation Project To address underseepage condition on levees Estimated project costs $100 million Local cost-share $25 million Proposed local agencies partners-Stockton, Lathrop, Manteca, County Reclamation District 17 to conduct 218 election Seeking 2008 State Early Implementation Project program funding cost-share from Propositions 1E and 84
Remapping Impacts On Local Community Flood Insurance Rate Maps effective April, 2009 Higher and mandatory flood insurance Presently protected by a levee flood insurance optional $317/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Presently protected by a levee flood insurance optional $317/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Remapped into the floodplain but previously had insurance $1,251/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Remapped into the floodplain but previously had insurance $1,251/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Remapped into the floodplain but did not previously have insurance $2,462/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Remapped into the floodplain but did not previously have insurance $2,462/year for $250,000 building/$100,000 contents Proposed new development will need to be elevated Property values
Senate Bill 5 (Machado) Central Valley Flood Protection Plan by 2012, incorporated into City General Plan and amend Zoning Ordinance by 2015 By 2025 meet 200-Year level of flood protection for urban and urbanizing areas
Voters Approved Propositions 84 and 1E in November 2006 $4.9 Billion For Improved Flood Protection Voters Approved Propositions 84 and 1E in November 2006 $4.9 Billion For Improved Flood Protection
Department of Water Resources Levee Investigations (Bear Creek, Calaveras River, Diverting Canal, Reclamation District 17, Boggs Tract)
Department of Water Resources Levee Investigations Levee subsurface investigations may find levee stability concerns, such as on Reclamation District 17 underseepage Levee surveys may find levee height concerns (freeboard) Soon to start, Department of Water Resources urban non-project levee investigations on Reclamation District levees Bishop Tract, Shima Tract, Lincoln Village, Brookside Estates Bishop Tract, Shima Tract, Lincoln Village, Brookside Estates
Strategy To Meet New State Mandated 200-Year Flood Protection SJAFCA developing Feasibility Study with Corps, State and locals to meet 200-Year level of flood protection Accelerated 3 year Feasibility Study estimated at $8 million, local cost-share $2 million Local cost-share between Cities, County, SJAFCA, and Reclamation Districts US Army Corps of Engineers has received a $129,000 appropriation to develop a Project Management Plan and a Feasibility Cost-Share Agreement
Ongoing And Future Activities Review new geotechnical and survey levee data from the Department of Water Resources and develop corrective action plans as needed Develop policies for new development in Provisionally Accredited Levee protected areas (disclosure, prepayment of flood insurance, etc.) Include funding in the City’s 2008/09 Budget to improve the Community Rating to reduce flood insurance rates for properties in 100-year floodplain As part of the 2008/09 Budget, adopt fees on properties proposing to develop in areas of special flood hazards to cover City staff and peer review costs Update the City’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Ongoing And Future Activities Convert Flood Insurance Rate Maps to a Geographic Information Systems layer Train Public Works staff for transition of Flood Administrator duties from the Community Development Department Advocate for State and Federal funding support to meet a 100-year and future 200-year level of flood protection Public outreach and education on flood risks and status of FEMA’s flood hazard designations Encourage the purchase of flood insurance