SHEA TERESI Health and wellness minor internship
Internship Details Otsego Head Start Internship supervisor : Dawn Helfstrom Nutrition and Dental Specialist 3 West Broadway
Duties and Expectations Reinforce FDA’s “My plate” program with children via hands on activities that show them how to create a healthy plate and incorporation of proper servings of each food group Introduce Healthy Hero program to the children and parents Teach Classroom lessons to children on certain topics relating to healthy lifestyles – 5210 Help host parent meetings on how to improve their child’s health and lifestyle – family fit and fun night
Duties and Expectations continued Create bulletin boards – head start Write “Nutrition Nuggets” section of the Oneonta Head start newsletter Help and get involved with announced and unannounced classroom meal observations Help organize and file reports in site sponsor’s office as well as other office work
Bulletin Board
Main project Title = Prevention of childhood obesity parent education packet I will be creating a booklet/packet for parents about Head Start’s concern about children’s high BMI. I will use soft language, to avoid offending, that still sends a message to the parents about why they’re receiving this packet and information about childhood obesity. I will research and provide information about childhood obesity and treatment, including CDC facts, as well as resources to improve different aspects of their lives to improve their children’s health
Main Project Continued I will reinforce the “My plate” program in this booklet as well as provide risk factors associated with high BMI, introduce Healthy hero program and I will also create, research and provide the parents with suggestions and things to do at home with their children to correct bad habits. These suggestions will be kid friendly and related to eating patterns, food choices, activity ideas, etc. There will also be information about
Additional Responsibilities Helped organize and host Ostego Family Fit and Fun night Helped create lesson plans for preschool age students Created Parent Packet on Picky Eaters - explained why children can be picky, gave tips and resources for parents dealing with picky eaters Trained SUCO dietetic majors on lesson plans
Additional Responsibilities Continued Taught lesson plans in several preschool classrooms in Oneonta with help from trained SUCO students Collaborated with Get fit Otsego Committee (Prevention of Childhood Obesity) to develop lesson plans as well as Otsego's Family Fit and Fun night