Temporary Employment: From Disability to Gainful Employment Philip K. Hess, CDMS, CRC, LRC Broadspire June 24, 2016
What is “light duty”? Let’s define it “Temporary or permanent work that is physically or mentally less demanding than normal job duties”
U.S. Department of Labor definitions An industry standard….or is it?
Why Light Duty? Are employers required to offer light duty? Not required to….what are the benefits? Reduced costs Indemnity Reduced medical expenses Faster RTW Improved morale Save time and money Reduced training for replacement employees Preserve talent
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty 1.Adjuster 2.Employer representative (HR, claims, employee health) 3.Employer direct supervisor 4.Nurse case manager 5.Doctor 6.Other health care professionals 7.Attorneys (defense and / or IW) 8.Vocational rehabilitation counselor A) Formulate a team
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Any special equipment requirements Day / hour limitations Duration / follow up OR provide physician with specific job duties A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of light duty tasks: Security guard*Paint aisle markings Inventory parts, supplies and / or tools *File paperwork Pick up trash in / out of facility*Shred documents Replenish first aid cabinets*Inspect fire extinguishers Complete a safety inspection*Perform Assembly Sort & deliver mail*Work in tool room Make / answer telephone calls*Order supplies Shipping / labeling / wrapping *Train new employees Drive vehicle / run errands *Light housekeeping & dusting Complete safety training*Wash company vehicles Update safety bulletin board*Cut grass Inspect flooring (clean / maintenance) *Clean tools Receptionist *Greeter A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Light duties – Demand less physical exertion than pre-injury job. Worker’s duties are limited according to the recommendations of the health care provider. Lesser duties - The worker performs reduced duties at a slower pace Alternate duties / tasks A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Alternate duties / tasks – Although the worker may be unable to perform regular duties, he or she may be able to perform other duties within his or her limitations. The worker must have the necessary skills and abilities to perform these duties competently and safely. A short-term skill development – training program to upgrade skills may be required. A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Light duties Lesser duties Alternate duties / tasks Reduced hours - The number of work hours may be reduced to match the worker’s tolerance level. Volunteer assignment - The worker performs volunteer work at a host agency consistent with medically imposed restrictions. Employer pays worker for hours worked. A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Light duties Lesser duties Alternate duties / tasks Reduced hours Volunteer assignment Temporary accommodation as treatment A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Temporary accommodation as treatment: Work hardening A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Temporary accommodation as treatment: Work hardening – Work duties may be used as part of a conditioning and strengthening process. The work is designed to progressively increase the worker’s physical ability until he or she is able to perform his or her regular duties. A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Temporary accommodation as treatment: Work hardening Extended therapy program A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Temporary accommodation as treatment: Extended therapy program – The health care provider designs a treatment program incorporating actual work duties in a work setting. Under supervision, the worker’ s usual work duties are gradually added. This ensures that the duties are performed correctly and are within the worker’s ability. Graduated return-to-work program A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty Examples of alternate duties: Temporary accommodation as treatment: Graduated return-to-work program – Work accommodations are made to allow the worker to return to work as soon as medically able and to gradually resume regular duties as recovery allows. A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs
Practical Approach for Developing Light Duty 1.Statement that light duty is temporary 2.Statement that there is no right to continued light duty (can end at any time) 3.Statement that when ended IW must be able to perform essential functions of regular job in order to continue working 4.Statement that employee on light duty is expected to perform that job duty and be accountable for performance, attendance and conduct standards 5.Statement that employee is to abide by doctor imposed restrictions A)Formulate a team B)Secure specific and objective restrictions from physician C)Formulate list of light duty jobs D)Make a job offer
Why Light Duty? Not required to….what are the benefits? Reduced costs Indemnity Reduced medical expenses Faster RTW Improved morale Save time and money Reduced training for replacement employees Preserve talent
OUTCOMES FULL DUTY RTW (with or without accommodation): Reduced costs Indemnity Reduced medical expenses Faster RTW Improved morale Save time and money Reduced training for replacement employees Preservation talent
OUTCOMES PERMANENT ACCOMMODATION: If it is determined that the injured worker is unable to return to his or her pre- accident duties, a permanent accommodation may be required. The employer may be asked to participate in identifying an appropriate job change. This may include training on the job and work assessment.
OUTCOMES PERMANENT ACCOMMODATION: Training on the job – The work site may be used to train an injured worker in a new job. Work is performed under the supervision of a qualified worker and the program is intended as preparation for a specific job. This program is most effective if a job is available with the training employer following the training period.
OUTCOMES PERMANENT ACCOMMODATION: Training on the job Work assessment The worker performs the job under supervision to evaluate if he or she has the ability to perform their job duties. This may be required prior to training on the job or enrolling in academic or technical training programs.
Temporary Employment: From Disability to Gainful Employment