Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC NSTec Daylight Saving Time Predictive Analytics Project : August 9, 2016 NSTec Daylight Saving Time Predictive Analytics Project “If you can predict it you can prevent it.” David Pechulis Ergonomist
Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC NSTec Daylight Saving Time Predictive Analytics Project : August 9, 2016 Controlled Event; DST ►DST event cannot be changed. Time moves forward 1 hour. ►Most of the United States begins Daylight Saving Time at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. ►3.6 more injuries on Mondays following DST. ►2,649 more days of work were lost as a result of those injuries. ►Approximately 68% in lost work days. ►Unique to “Spring Forward” 2
Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC NSTec Daylight Saving Time Predictive Analytics Project : August 9, 2016 Predictive Analytics – Data Mining ►Global ►Workgroup ►Individual 3 ►Global ►Entire Company ►Multiple work locations across the United States ►Approximately 2100 employees
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Incidents First Week After Daylight Saving Time (DST) ►12 year average: 3.75 incidents per year ►5 year average: 2.80 incidents per year ►2 year average: 2.50 incidents per year ►45 incidents over a 12 year time frame for the week following DST ►Vehicle property damage ►Slip, trips and falls ►Contusions, lacerations (hand injuries) ►Contact of energized source 4
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Data Mining; Analyzation of Data ►Sleep deprivation ►Worker age related health data ►Complacency ►Historical company data ►Industry data ►Supplemental data ►Environmental factors (weather) ►Projected incidents for DST 2016: 3 5
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Communication Strategy; Making the Connection ►After 1 day54% was remembered. ►After 7 days35% was remembered. ►After 14 days21% was remembered. ►After 21 days19% was remembered. ►After 28 days18% was remembered. ►After 63 days17% was remembered. ►The repeated exposure to a stimulus or piece of information, transfers it into long-term memory, especially if the review is distributed over time. 6 Average Attention Span ►2000: 12 seconds ►2014: 8 seconds 9 seconds
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Global Communication Target Strategy to Reduce DST Incidents -7- March 2016 Safety Topic (Primer) Complacency article – FrontPage March 8, 2016 Less Sleep Sunday article – FrontPage March 10, 2016 Accidents and DST InSite News – March 9 -18, 2016; Safety campaign; Accidents and DST: LAO, LO, STL, RSL-A, RSL-N InSite Quick Poll: This is what I’ll do to fight fatigue from Daylight Saving Time: Monday March 14, 2016 Broadcast Notification; Stay Alert This Week! Monday March 14, 2016 Accidents and Daylight Saving Time Less Sleep Sunday March Safety Topic March Safety Topic (Primer) Complacency InSite Quick Poll
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC InSite Quick Poll (approximately 40% participation) -8-
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Conclusion - Results Through the detailed analysis of NSTec incident history for the week following DST (root cause), NSTec worker demographics and related aging process, memory retention, specific informative articles to target related casual factors, and a call-to action, NSTec was able to achieve a company first for 2016: -9- Zero Incidents
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC What Did We Learn? ►Analyzation of data through data mining ►Communication strategy; Making an impact ►Presentations from mined data ►Treatment group ►Controlled group 10
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Pop Quiz! -11- ►70% of the items that you purchased at the grocery store last week you will purchase this week ►You shop at 3 clothing stores with 1 getting the majority of your business ►You toggle between 3 radio stations depending on thought or mood ►You drive the same route to work every day with minor exceptions ►Your home life this week resembles 85% of what you did last week ►You make a habit to watch 5 television show although 2 hold your interest the most ►You park in the same parking spot when you get to work. ►When you arrive at work you walk the same route to your workstation. At night you walk the same route when you leave ►Change is inevitable but you rarely plan for it.
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Pop Quiz Results ►All are habit forming indicators for complacency. ►Studies have shown that people will perform automated behaviors — Like walking to your car after work. Since the behavior is automated, requiring no thinking, the mind will focus on another task such as; digging through your purse to find your car keys or texting on your phone. ►Basal ganglia versus prefrontal cortex -12- As Charles Duhigg describes in his book The Power of Habit, people establish strong patterns of behavior that they usually keep up over time.
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC ►Complacency ►Hurrying/Rushing ►Stress/Negative emotions ►Cell phone ►Watercooler conversations ►Interruption from coworker ►Noise ►Visual – peripheral vision ►Unexpected work within vicinity The Environment for Distractions -13-
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Final Thoughts ►Contributors to this noteworthy achievement ■ Enhanced awareness ■ Repeating the message increases retention ● Monthly safety topic ● Staff meetings ● Daily awareness calls ● Front Page articles ■ Management engagement ■ Sharing of monthly safety topic -14-
Title of Presentation: Date of Presentation Managed and operated by National Security Technologies, LLC Thank You