Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric Europe and the Near East
Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000–13,000 BCE. Largest bull approx. 11 ’ 6 ” long Paleolithic Art Europe Twisted Perspective
“ Chinese Horse ”, Lascaux Caves
Spotted horse & negative hand imprint, Pech-Merle, France, ca. 22,000 BCE Rhino, man, & disemboweled bison, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000–13,000 BCE Narrative Art
“ Venus of Willendorf ” c. 25,000 BCE 4 ½ inches high Woman with a bison horn, Laussel, France, c. 25,000–20,000 BCE. 1 ’ 6 ” high. Sculpture in the round Relief Sculpture
“ Venus of Willendorf ” c. 25,000 BC
Clay Reindeer horn Medium
Mesolithic Art - Europe Rock Shelter Paintings, Spain, c BCE
Rhino, man, & disemboweled bison, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000–13,000 BCE
Neolithic Monumental Architecture Europe, 4000 BCE 1. Tombs dolmen post-and-lintel Passage Grave, Newgrange, Ireland, c BCE corbel vault “ Megalithic Architecture ”
2. Ceremonial Structures Carnac, France, c BCE menhir Stonehenge, England, c BCE cromlech
Neolithic Art of the Near East
Jericho, Israel, c BCE The Oldest Settled Communities Great stone tower built into the settlement wall, Jericho, ca. 8000–7000 BCE.
Catal Huyuk, Anatolia (Turkey), c BCE
Rock Shelter Paintings, Spain, c BCE Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000–13,000 BCE Catal Huyuk, Anatolia (Turkey), c BCE
Landscape with Volcanic Eruption, c BCE