Chantel Garrett EDU 671 Week 5 Ashford University
Employment: Housing Case Manager for Veterans Job Description: Responsible for providing housing, outreach services, rental assistance for homeless veterans or those who at- risk of becoming homeless. Organization: Families in Crisis 501 © Non-profit organization Established in 1980 to assist and empower victims of family violence and sexual assault in Bell, Coryell, and Hamilton counties in the Central Texas area. In 2009 organization began its Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re- Housing Programs. Including the Texas Veterans Commission and Supportive Services for Veterans and Families In 2015 the organization opened the first Families in Crisis Homeless Shelter in Killeen, Texas.
Definition: Action taken to improve someone or something. Purpose: To gain insight as to how the organization can make itself available to all Veterans within the local and surrounding communities. Goal: To organize an event that is opened to the community to educate the at-risk population about Families in Crisis and the services that the organization provides.
Flyers s Invitations Families in Crisis pamphlets Surveys of Services
Education about services rendered Network with other available resources within the community. Receive basic care needs (haircuts, wellness checks, immunizations, clothing and toiletries). Be informed of eligibility. Register with Veterans of Affairs if eligible.
WEEK 1 and mail invitations to organizations within the community. Secure centralized location to hold the activity. Approach local vendors to secure donated food items, common household items and barber services. Approach the local free clinic to provide flu shots to veterans in need of them. Approach Bell County transit system to offer transportation for individuals to the event. WEEK 2 Confirm attending organizations and inform them of presentations of their services. Confirm the location of the event. Conduct an outreach activity to invite homeless individuals in the community to the event. Confirm availability of the Bell County transit system. Confirm the services of local barbers, the Bell County Free Clinic and other potential guests. Call volunteers to assist in various activities within the event.
WEEK 3 Provide a proposed agenda to all organizations that will be attending event. Confirm volunteer availability. Finalize menu for the event. WEEK 4 Have a successful event. Implement changes within the organizations as needed.
My philosophy as it applies to education is that “learning must focus on the whole child rather than on content or the teacher” (Cohen, 1999). This philosophy is known as Progressivism. I believe that students learn more and are able to connect to what they are learning when they are able to be active, experiment and ask questions. As a result, I feel that all veterans should be treated as individuals. The services that they seek should be based on their needs. Abraham Maslov stated that “people are motivated by their needs” (McIntyre, 2007).
When I think of Social Principles in terms of education, my first thought is that every student should have an equal opportunity education. This means that each student should be presented with every opportunity to reach his or her highest potential. I believe that the same should be expected throughout life and its challenges. In this research, one of my primary focuses will be towards the veterans individually and the services that they receive. There are two social principles that I will keep in mind throughout my research. These two principles state that (1) society must as a concept believe in the equal worth of everyone of its members and (2) society must establish a real equality of opportunity. These principles don’t suggest that everyone must be presented with the same opportunities. They simply suggest that each person be given the opportunity to do well.
Ethics are the “norms or standards for conduct that distinguish between right and wrong” (Burgess, 1989). Throughout this research, it is important that ethical considerations be consistent and continuous. The ethical considerations that I will be focusing on are respect for privacy and confidentiality and minimizing the risk of harm. In order to make sure that these considerations are handled in a proper manner any participant that I interact with will have to have to sign an Informed Consent Agreement. This agreement states the participants willingness to be included in the research. Minimizing the risk of harm is important because it is never my intention to do anything when interacting with a Veteran that would cause any form of mistreatment, disrespect or any other negative outcome. I would never want to place a client in a position to be in a worse state than they were prior to receiving service.
Remain non-judgmental Handle information with respect Never assume an outcome Rely on the facts presented
Interviews Surveys (Prior to service and after service) Compare/Contrast past and present charts Quarterly Reports
Burgess, R.G. (Ed.)(1989). The ethics of educational research (Vol.8). Psychology Press. Cohen, L. (1999). Section III- Philosophical Perspectives in Education Part 3: Educational Philosophies. Retrieved from McIntyre, S. (February 16,2007). Maslow’s Theory Revised. Retrieved from