Improving the quality of diagnostic spirometry in adults: The National Register of certified professionals and operators
Assessing and certifying competence in performing and/or interpreting diagnostic spirometry Background The framework: – Competency Levels – The National Register Routes to certification Certification & Re-certification Training Timetable for implementation
Background 2013: A Guide to Performing Quality Assured Diagnostic Spirometry – initial work on standards 2014: All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Report on inquiry into Respiratory Deaths (2014) calls for a system to assess and certify the competence of all healthcare professionals undertaking and/or interpreting diagnostic spirometry 2016: competency assessment framework launched
3 Competency Levels Foundation: competent to perform safe, accurate and reliable spirometry tests without interpretation Full: competent to perform and interpret spirometry in terms of physiological changes Interpretation Only: competent in interpretation only (no responsibility/ requirement to perform spirometry but required to interpret the results of spirometry accurately )
The National Register Single national register maintained by ARTP as the certifying body Lists individuals’ names according to whichever of three categories of certification that person has achieved: Foundation, Full or Interpretation Only Indicates the date when certification was obtained
I interpret the results of spirometry tests performed by others I perform spirometry tests without interpreting the results I perform spirometry tests and interpret the results I have performed spirometry with / without interpretation for many years and consider myself competent Undertake appropriate training Experienced Practitioner Scheme Successful completion = certificate of competence Enter certificate of competence in relevant category on The National Register Assessment by ARTP approved assessor KEY Training needed No training Training need identified following EPS assessment
Certification & Re-certification Once certified, healthcare professionals must record their qualification on the National Register Certification is valid for 3 years, after which re- assessment is required to remain registered as competent to practice Further training is NOT mandatory to re-recertify Refresher training courses are available Further information on re-certification is at
The National Register with re-assessment of competence every 3 years Re-certification Remain on The National Register for 3 years then undertake re- certification process Individuals already on The National Register Initial certification Undertake training and assessment appropriate to level Successful completion = certificate of competence Inexperienced individuals not on The National Register Experienced Practitioner Scheme (EPS) Undertake assessment appropriate to level Successful completion = certificate of competence Unsuccessful = need to improve skills prior to reassessment Individuals performing spirometry with or without interpretation, not on The National Register
Timetable Implementation phased over four years 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2021 Healthcare professionals currently performing and interpreting spirometry will have until 31 March 2021 to be assessed and entered on to the National Register Document is available at spirometryhttps:// spirometry