Journal Club Curriculum-How to Start
Curriculum for Journal Club Faculty member comfortable with material review study design Powerpoint at first JC of the year Senior resident presents article selected each month Specific questions assigned to each resident a week to all so many residents engaged Presentation each JC by epidemiologist and researcher Eval of resident presenting by peers also helps CCC evaluations
Curriculum for Journal Club cont Can use the articles selected by Obstetrics and Gynecology “The Green Journal” each month or those of interest to your group If use the Green Journal, have questions listed monthly in the journal for discussion to facilitate review Using these articles over the course of the year will ensure the review of a diverse group of study types and statistical analysis
Objectives of each JC Learning Objectives: Appraise the study design and statistical methods used in a journal article. Interpret results from a journal article. Discuss the applicability of results from a journal article to your patient population.