WATER DROPS AND PENNIES How many can it hold?
HYPOTHESIS I think there is a sponge in the black box that absorbs water, and when it is full it releases water because sometimes all the water comes out and sometimes it does not.
MATERIALS 1.Cardboard box, 29 cm x 49 cm x 24cm cm of.5 in rubber tubing ml Water ml beaker 5.1 large kitchen sponge, with scrubby on one side 6.scissors
PROCEDURE 1.Cut an opening in the box 10 cm from the end of the box and 15 cm from the side. 2.Cut another opening in the opposite end from the hole in the top of the box on the side, 10cm from the bottom and 8 cm from the side. 3.Place one end of the tubing in the top whole from the inside out, and the other end of the tubing in the side hole of the box. Coil the remaining tubing inside. 4.Cut the center of the tubing inside of the box and place it in a bowl, with the sponge in the bowl. If needed, use tape or ties to hold the tubing in the bowl. 5.Place a funnel in the tube coming out of the top of the box, and ml beaker under the other tube. 6.Pour 600 ml of water into the funnel, catching and measuring the water coming out of the tube on the side. Record the results, and repeat.
SAFETY IN THE LAB Be sure that you do not run with scissors. Point away from you and others when cutting Be sure all lap papers are cleared form work area when pouring water.
Manipulated Variable: Positioning of the Tubing in the box Responding Variable: The water out. Control: 600 ml of water VARIABLES Variables Control
OBSERVATIONS/ DATA I observed that the water came out of the hose when I lifted and lowered the box. I heard bubbles and gurgling sounds. I observed that some water was trapped in the hose. Water InWater Out 600 ml100 ml 600 ml300 ml 600 ml200 ml 600 ml400 ml
CONCLUSION My hypothesis was that a sponge was collecting the water and when it was full the water overflow the bowl and come out of the hose on the side. But my data showed that sometimes more than half and sometimes less than half the water came out, but never the same amount of water came out. In the real black box, two of the tests showed the same amount of water coming out of the box. But my box never did that. A next possible test could be to see if the hoses are different sizes in the box, going from a thicker hose to a thinner hose, which would cause pressure on the water to come all the way out sometimes or half way out on other times.