Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Tuesday 30 August August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review 2
BE-RF Maria Elena Angoletta, L. Arnaudon, P. Baudrenghien, A. Blas, G. Hagmann, S. Ramberger 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review 3 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Table of Contents: Equipment overview Equipment dismantling Equipment installation Risks / Mitigation Additional information Summary Other contributors for L4: B. Bielawski, R. Borner, O. Brunner, B. Kremel, D. Landre, P. Martinez-Yanes, S. Papadopoulos, R. Wegner. Other contributors for PSB: A. Findlay, M. Jaussi, J. Molendijk, J. Sanchez-Quesada, J. Simonin.
Equipment overview 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review 4 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Source Debuncher 180 m Distributor PSB LLRF RF interlock System PSB BOR L4 chopper-PSB synchronization signals generation [BE/CO] CCC application programs: longitudinal painting, RF interlock system, PSB cruise control, Linac4 operation … [TE/ABP, BE/OP] Linked topics Pre-chopper +LEBT Chopper LLRF = topics considered in this presentation LLRF rack
Equipment dismantling 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review 5 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF NB: Half Sector Test equipment de-installation (not under RF group’s responsibility) needed to install debuncher cavity.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment installation: L4 LLRF 6 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Longitudinal painting not needed for initial operation Only RF-expert tools so far Upgrade of field regulation algorithm for improved beam loading of beam batch.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment installation: debuncher 7 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Not needed before April 2017
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment installation: RF interlock 8 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Possibly additional CCC application (or integration within PSB Cruise Control) PSB RF Interlock system: interfaces Linac4 BIC, Linac4 Chopper, beam over-intensity detector, PSB RF cavities, PSB LLRF, CCM.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment installation: PSB LLRF 9 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Bunch-to-bucket transfer needs rings injection syncro. PSB new LLRF installed in 2014: h/w channels for injection synchro already included. S/w upgrade during Sept 2016 TechStop. PSB MDs in Oct-Dec 2016 to commission the injection synchro. Modified LLRF after LS2 (Finemet HLRF) → re-commissioning needed.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Risks / Mitigation Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Linac4 will have run up to 160MeV by Dec However not yet sufficiently reliable: ● No automatic start-up of RF power systems ● No automatic cavity reconditioning ● Limited tools for operation - so far only expert tools by RF group. ABP / OP not yet involved in this! ● Running in 27 RF systems: availability of overall system potentially low (teething problems). → We are far away from what users are used to with Linac2
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Risks / Mitigation Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF ● Linac4 can deliver 20 mA MAX due to LEP klystrons in CCDTL structures. By further tweaking and/or an exchange of a klystron, 25mA (target current) should be reached. ● Exchange of 1 MW LEP klystrons with new 2.8 MW klystrons is required to deliver 40 mA average current (full design current). ● Linac4 performance is limited by the source in the first place. As long as the source is not capable of delivering more beam, the upgrade is not required. ● The purchase of further new klystrons is being prepared. Aim: to be ready by end LS2.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Risks / Mitigation Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Current debuncher amplifier: ● Part of French in-kind contribution to Linac4 ● Delivers ~45kW on the cavity, sufficient to run the cavity ● Offer for amplifier upgrade ~100 kCHF. Upgrade requires 6 months & should be ready for start up in o without nominal current or o with full phase space very low current ( few mA) or o some intermediate testing scenario. ~March 2021
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Risks / Mitigation – 3 cont’d 13 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Debuncher amplifier upgrade ● Amplifier upgrade (45 kW to ~ 70 kW on the cavity) required to implement nominal current. ● In case of upgrade, the current amplifier must be sent to the supplier for ~6 months. ● If started in October, the upgrade is in line with the reliability run and should also be in line with the required work for a rapid L4- PSB connection. ● In case the upgrade is not undertaken, a full new amplifier would cost ~2x as much at today’s market prices plus additional CERN man-power for follow-up.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Risks / Mitigation Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF ● : PSB Finemet LLRF years! Extensive MD planning to validate new implementations (e.g.: higher BW cavity loops). ● LEIR experience (parallel control of 2 Finemet cavities since July 2016 LLRF upgrade) will also be useful.
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Additional information 15 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF Manpower: scarce! ● → careful projects prioritization needed ● Must have balance between h/w- and s/w- related resources to allow consistent progress. ● Support infrastructure for Linac4 operation to be put in place. Piquet service for ● Need tools/manpower from ABP (OP?) to operate Linac4 from 2017 onwards. Not ready yet to switch over tomorrow: in case of Linac2 failure, we will obviously find a way, but then priority for Linac4 would be higher than LHC!
30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Summary 16 Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Maria Elena Angoletta - BE/RF ● Lots of progress … and still lots to do! ● Linac4-PSB connection after December 2016 feasible but with limitations in operation reliability and performance. ● Decision on Debuncher amplifier upgrade to be taken asap. ● Manpower issues: clear prioritization of projects. support from ABP/OP for Linac4 running ≥ 2017.