Lesson Objectives Understanding the Lit exam What a Lit. poetry question looks like Essay writing tips Practise
The Literature Exam 1hr 45min – 2 Sections Section A – Prose (To Kill a Mockingbird) – 45 mins Section B – Poetry (Heaney/Clarke/Pre 1914) – 1hr
Lit Poetry Questions (Heaney, Clarke, Pre 1914) Choice of 3 questions The questions could be either one or two part Might name a particular poem or leave it to you to choose (If it names a particular poem make sure you write about that one) You will have to write about Heaney and Clarke and a Pre 1914 poem H-W-QP-JUN04.PDFhttp:// 3712H-W-QP-JUN04.PDF
Essay writing tips Have a clear structure Make sure you write about the right poems Answer the question as much as you can Focus on the language devices used and the effect they have on the reader Short embedded quotations Write about language, themes, structure Provide a personal response and proofread.