Welcome! Erin Pagtakhan, M.A. Ed. “Mrs. P” Sophomore English
Personal Background Bay Area native Bay Area native B.A. English Literature, M.A. Education, Teaching Credential (English) B.A. English Literature, M.A. Education, Teaching Credential (English) –Mills College, Oakland Proud to be a part of this wonderful community Proud to be a part of this wonderful community Married to Amador English teacher (BOO!!!) GO FALCONS! Married to Amador English teacher (BOO!!!) GO FALCONS! Two young children, ages 5 & 2 Two young children, ages 5 & 2
Honors Standards Honors Standards Curriculum & Expectations Curriculum & Expectations College Preparation College Preparation Synthesis of higher level thinking Synthesis of higher level thinking Quality vs. Quantity Quality vs. Quantity
Core Texts Julius Caesar Julius Caesar –William Shakespeare Night Night –Elie Wiesel Black Boy Black Boy –Richard Wright Things Fall Apart Things Fall Apart –Chinua Achebe To Kill A Mockingbird To Kill A Mockingbird –Harper Lee SAT “Flip-O-Matic” SAT “Flip-O-Matic”
Grades & Assessments Writing………….….55% Writing………….….55% Reading……………30% Reading……………30% Listening, Speaking, Participation………10% Listening, Speaking, Participation………10% Heavily weighted in writing: Heavily weighted in writing: –Primary focus –Writing tools –Essay structure & critical thinking –Many opportunities to write throughout year –Writing portfolio
Parent/Teacher Communication Open lines of communication Open lines of communication –Website Go to FHS website & click on “faculty & staff” Go to FHS website & click on “faculty & staff” Click on my name on the staff list & you will be directed to my website. Click on my name on the staff list & you will be directed to my website. –Website includes syllabus, policies/procedures, downloads of many handouts, & a daily calendar. – On-Line Grades On-Line Grades –Accessed through website; clear directions given on web –Updated weekly
Thanks so much! Three people play integral role in the success of your child: Three people play integral role in the success of your child: –Student, parent, & teacher “Where I’m From Poem” “Where I’m From Poem”