Take a key word sheet, glue it into your book and then see if you can match the key words to the definitions marriagedivorcesubmissive civil partnershipannulmentvows homosexualityadulteryeternal monogamydissolutionunion sacramentprocreationcontraception
Are men and women equal in today’s society? Some things to think about….
Women are more likely to give up work to look after the home and bring up children
Parents often lay down different rules for boys and girls
Women are much more likely to be the victims of domestic violence
After divorce, women are far more likely to gain custody of any children
Women are more likely to experience poverty – one of the poorest groups in society are single mothers
Women earn on average 75% less than men earn
83% of directors and chief executives of major organizations are men
Women make up just over half the workforce in the finance sector, but their average hourly pay is 41% lower than it is for men
95% of receptionists are women
There are far more men in politics than there are women
Christian attitudes to families TraditionalLiberal Make a copy of the table in your books, under the heading. Then use the handout and try to put each statement under “Traditional” or “Liberal”
Christian attitudes to families Traditional Bible is literally true and still relevant today Adam was created first, Eve was created as a companion for him ‘I will make a helper suitable for him.’ (Gen 2:18) Women should help men and support him in his duties Eve sinned so women are more likely to do wrong so men should have the final say in the family ‘Wives be submissive to your husbands’ (1 Peter 3:1) “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.” (Ephesians 5) Women should look after the home, children, and support husband in career Liberal Bible is a guide to life and can be interpreted Traditional ideas are not appropriate for modern society Men and women were created equally: ‘In the image of God’ (Gen 1:27) There is no real difference between men and women so both should have equal opportunities and responsibilities Both partners can share childcare and go out to work ‘There is neither male nor female, for you are all on in Christ Jesus’ (Gal 3:28)
Christian Views on Men and Women Which of these pieces of evidence would be used to support a traditional view and which would support a modern view? 2. According to the creation story Adam was created first 3. God said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’ 5. ‘There is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ 4. ‘Wives, be submissive to your husbands’ 6. Eve was the first person to eat the apple 7. Men and women were both made ‘in the image of God’ 1.‘Husbands…treat them [wives] with respect as the weaker partner’ 8. Women should remain at home, sit still, keep house and bear and bring up children. If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing – she is there to do it.
How to write a perfect part E answer… Each Part E is worth 12 marks (50%) You should express two different sides of the story. Each side must have reasons and evidence to back it up. The different sides also need discussion/analysis of the strengths and weaknesses. You must also include your own view. Your arguments MUST be backed up with evidence (e.g. quotes from the Bible); have a clear structure; and use the specialist vocabulary.
“Men should be in charge of the household” Most christan people think this but I think this is a stupid thing to think. Woman should have just as much a say in things as men. People who think like this are well old fashioned. But this is wot most christian people think. all cos in genesis eve ate the apple. It wasn’t her fault, it was the talking snakes. Not all christians think this tho. Some are more up to date and think men and women shoud share their responsibilities. ‘women be submissive to your husbands.’so overall I disagree with this statement. What’s wrong with it…?
Answer B Traditional Christians would probably agree with this because they believe the Bible is literally true. It describes how Eve was created after Adam as his “helper” which suggests that men should be in charge of things as this is role God gave them. Eve also sinned first so people could argue that women are not suitable to be in positions of leadership. An advantage of this way of thinking is that men and women have clear roles and everyone knows where they stand. However, it does not recognise that there are some women who make a great success of leadership and are clearly capable of taking charge. This view doesn’t not allow men and women to use their personal gifts. A more modern, liberal Christian might disagree with this view. They believe that the Bible is a product of it’s time and needs to be interpreted. They would emphasise Bible verses such as Galatians, in which Paul says: “There is no male nor female… for all are one in Christ Jesus”. In Genesis it also says that both men and women are created in the “image of God”. This suggests that both men and women are equally valuable and important in the eyes of God and therefore it is not necessarily true that men and women have pre-defined roles. A strength of this view is that it enables men and women to be individuals and have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, it may lead to conflict because the roles aren’t clearly defined. In my view… I think this because… My view is stronger because… What’s good about it…?
“Men should be in charge of the household” 1.Traditional Christians would agree with the statement because… 2.A strength of this view might be… 3.However, a weakness is… 4. On the other hand, modern Christians have a different point of view… 5. A strength of this view could be… 6. Yet there are weaknesses such as… 7. My opinion on this topic is… I think this because… My view is better than the other views because…