Maori Tatoos
Who are Maori People ? They are the indegenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. Over several centuries in isolation, the Polynesian settlers developed a unique culture that became known as the "Māori", with their own language, a rich mythology, distinctive crafts and performing arts. Early Māori formed tribal groups, based on eastern Polynesian social customs and organisation. Horticulture flourished using plants they introduced, and later a prominent warrior culture emerged. The Maori people are also known for their unique tattoos.
What is Ta Moko ? Ta moko traditional Māori tattooing, often on the face - is a taonga (treasure) to Māori for which the purpose and applications are sacred. Genealogy is so important to the Maori people that they know their family history back 2000 years. It has always been part of the Maori world in New Zealand. It is about beauty, and belonging. And it is much more than skin deep. Copying a Maori's Ta Moko is nothing less than identity theft. It's disgraceful and it's immoral. The only difference is that the Maori really don't have any recourse against anyone who is thoughtless enough to rape them of their individuality. Ta Moko is as unique to the wearer as your own fingerprints - how would you feel if someone stole those from you?
Tatoos for men. The Maori men have full facial tattoos. Their face tattoo showed their accomplishments, status, position, ancestry, and marital status, among other things. In ancient times, male facial moko was considered a mark of adulthood and achievement, as much as an active and flattering adornment. Usually the faces of men were marked from forehead to throat, creating a mask-like effect which enhanced the bone structure, softened or strengthened the features, and confirmed the virility of the warrior or the wisdom of the shaman.
Tatoos for women. The tattoo are mostly on the face. Women only tattoo their chin, lips, and nostrils. Some Maori also tattoo other parts of their body: back, buttocks, legs. Women : arms, neck, foreheads and thighs. 19th century : full facial moko for men declined in frequency, but moko for women persisted. Since the 1990′s, the Maori tattoo has experienced a comeback, with modern tattoo machines.
How do they tatoo ? The Maori used knives and chisels made from shark's teeth or iron sharpened bone, or sharp stones. The inks: natural products : burnt wood was used to make black, while lighter pigments were derived from caterpillars infested with fungus, or animal fat. The black was used for facial tattoos, other were used for outlines and other less important tattoos. The tohunga-ta-oko would study the person’s facial structure to decide on the most appealing design. No two tattoos are alike.