Physical Activity and Nutrition
Who We Are Comunidades Unidas / Communities United it is a community center with more than 16 years of experience empowering Latinos to be self-sufficient, healthy and to recognize their own potential and to be a positive for a change community. We are a passionate and trained team.
Mission and Vision ●Education and Outreach ●Referrals for Mammograms ●Referrals for Clinical Breast Exams & Pap Smears ●Establish a Medical Home ●Follow up evaluation (monthly) ●Continuum of Care ●Case Management Our mission is to empower Latinos to recognize and achieve their own potential and be a positive force for change in the larger community. Our vision is for every Latino in Utah to become a healthy, self-sufficient, and engaged member of the community.
Programs ●Referral & Assistance ●Promotoras (Community Health Workers) ●Together Towards your Health ●Buying Healthy and Delicious ●SNAP Enrollment ●Health Insurance Enrollment ●Women’s Health ●Preventive Health ●Health Booth ●Immigration Clinic ●Workers Rights
Services ●Diagnostic testing: blood pressure, diabetes, box mass index ●Mobile clinics ●Vouchers for free or reduced pap smears, clinical breast exams, and mammograms ●Immigrant rights advocacy ●Referral to low -cost legal services and other community resources ●Chronic Care management in diabetes hypertension and cholesterol ●Community outreach and services projects ●Educational workshop ●Volunteer and internship opportunity
Plan Goals ●Goal 1: Increase the number of Utahns who meet the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans Action Step # 5 Increase access to culturally-appropriate healthy foods. ●Goal 2: Increase the number of Utahns who meet the current physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Action Step # 7 Work with underserved communities to increase social support intervention in a community setting
Comunidades Unidas works with the collaboration of other agency in the state, to reduce cancer. Partners
Need and Barriers ●Latinas residing in Salt Lake County face staggering socioeconomic barriers that prevent from accessing physical activity, nutritious food, and local resources ●According to the Utah health Department Ethnic Disparities Report lung cancer, breast cancer are linked to poor diets and lack of exercise are among the leading causes of death among women in Utah. ●Language ●Culture ●Income ●Transportation
Funding ●UCAN will support the our community based zumba and yoga classes. ●Nutrition program Project Outcomes: ●500 individuals will be informed about cancer reduction and physical activity via indirect ●1,500 individuals will be informed about reduction and physical activity via indirect outreach outreach. ●100 + women will participate in Yoga and Zumba classes
CU Goals Buying Healthy and Delicious (Comprando Rico y Sano) Increase the knowledge about choosing foods that supports a balance nutrition, one that includes many fruits and vegetables.
CU Goals Buying Healthy and Delicious (Comprando Rico y Sano) Plan visits to the supermarket in order to save time money, and make the best decisions about the kinds of foods they buy.
CU Goals Buying Healthy and Delicious (Comprando Rico y Sano) Motivate participants to prepare simple, healthy, and low-cost meals at home
Physical Activity Zumba Classes
Physical Activity Zumba Classes Every Wednesday, excluding the first week of each month 6pm at Molina West Valley Clinic.
Physical Activity Zumba Classes Every Tuesday of the month 6pm at Comunidades Unidas conference room
Physical Activity Zumba (Every Wednesday, excluding the first week of each month 6pm at Molina West Valley Clinic) Yoga (Every Tuesday of the month 6pm at CU conference room)
Zumba Pink Party To promote breast cancer awareness through zumba pink party.
Thank you Vicky Fuentes