Welcome to Open House Third Grade
ATTENDANCE Your child should be in school on time EVERY DAY!! (As of 8:36 students are marked tardy) If your child is absent he/she should bring in a note within (3) three days, preferably from a doctor. Excessively tardy or absences.
AGENDA Each student should buy an agenda from the school ($5.00). The students will write their spelling words, home learning and additional information in their agendas daily. Please check their agendas each night and sign it. The agenda is the best way to have daily contact.
Classroom Rules/School Rules RULES: Respect yourself, other people, and objects. Listen to directions and obey them the first time they are given. Do not leave your seat without permission. CONSEQUENCES: loss of privileges, detentions, call or note to parents. REWARDS: Positive call or note to parents, STAR of the week, lunch with the teacher. Uniform School: Students are required to wear uniforms everyday. (Red shirt and blue shorts) – Friday they are allowed to wear their Friday shirt. (available through the PTSA $10 for members/$15 for no-members)
Arrival Procedure 5 Students will line up in the designated area found under the cover shelter, located by the bike racks Students should look for the area labeled with their Homeroom Teacher’s name. Students should be in that line by 8:20 a.m. “Breakfast on the Go”, is provided in the covered sheltered area. Students are not allowed to escort their younger siblings to class as they are required to be remain in their designated pick-up area. No exceptions.
Home Learning All students are required to do home learning each night and on weekends. We need your support by checking your child’s agenda and home learning each night.
SCHEDULE 8:35- 10:35 Block #1 10:40-11:10 Lunch 11:30-12:30 Special Area 12:30- 1:00 Spanish 1:00- 2:55 Block #2
Time for Kids $8.00 Reading workbook $13.00 Please make sure to send this to your homeroom teachers. Extras 8
Key idea and Details Literature and Informational Craft and Structure Literature and Informational Integration of knowledge and Idea Literature and Informational Language and Editing Literature and Informational 15-25%25-35% 15-25% Number:Operations, Problems, and Statistics Geometry and Measurment Number: Fractions 48%35%17% 9 Florida Standard Assessment
Common Core Assessment Mathematics
Common Core Assessment ELA 11
Website If you have not yet paid your annual dues, please fill out the form available under "forms" and submit to your child's teacher. Dues are only $10 per year for each adult, and $5 for students Complete the form for posting your child's birthday on the marque. The $15.00 goes to the PTSA. MarqueeBirthday.pdf Buy a commemorative wall piece on our Norman S. Edelcup Wall of Giving: Wall_of_Giving_order_form.pdfWall_of_Giving_order_form.pdf 12 NSE/SIB PTSA
Websites (students/parents portals)
Code of Conduct The Code of Student Conduct can be reviewed and printed at Opening of School tab. 14
In order to go on fieldtrips, you must be cleared in the system and have a volunteer ID number. Even if you do not plan to volunteer in the school regularly but would like to go on a special field trip you must be approved or you will not be able to attend. This is a Miami-Dade County School Policy. This year you may register as a volunteer on line. You may visit the and fill out your form. Parent Involvement 15
During the year we encourage you to contact us via or send a note in order to schedule conferences where we can take the time to sit down and discuss your child’s performance in class. Parent Conferences 16
Parent Signature Page - Reminder 17 * Opening of schools information, Parent/Student Handbook, Policies and agreements * Media Release *Internet and Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Miami Dade County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct Agreement *This form is available under the opening of school link at sib.dadeschools.net Additionally, the HIV/AIDS and Sexual Predator Information may be located on our website.
Successful learning experience for all students through positive communication and collaboration with parents and students doing their best. Thank you for attending NSE/SIB’S Open House. Question, Comments??? 3 rd Grade Goal