Center for the Visual & Performing Arts
National School Breakfast Week March 2-6, 2015 Food Fact of the Day! Miami-Dade County Public Schools serves an estimated 80,729 breakfasts daily.
Cheerleading Practice
Thursday Mar. 5 Monday Mar. 9 FBLA 3:55-5:00 PM Basketball Practice 4-5 PM EESAC 4-5 PM Hearing Screening for 6 th Grade Basketball Practice 4-5 PM
Daily Reminders Free Breakfast is served every morning from 8:30-9:00 AM. Proper uniform and ID must be worn at all times while in school. Computer labs are open, Lab 128: Mon. & Wed.: 4-5 PM (sign in by 4) Thurs.: 8-9 AM (sign in by 8:15)
Center for the Visual & Performing Arts