2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Instructions In an effort to streamline the submission process and reduce paper use, the submission process will be entirely electronic. 1.Complete this form and the Entry Form. 2.Do not include any firm-identifying information in this form. 3.Nomenclature for submission: Project Name-Project Form.ppt 4.Create a zip file that includes the two completed forms and the project’s final GBCI scorecard. 5. the zip file to Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Guidance The Sustainable Innovation Awards evaluate merit based upon sustainable strategies that demonstrate exemplary performance by going above and beyond LEED credit achievement. The jury is evaluating each submission based on the submission form and images. Projects are evaluated in the context of the category in which they are submitted. Historically, projects that have scored well provide thoughtful responses in sections G through J describing the project’s innovative strategies in that category. Specific examples will help the jury in their evaluation. Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Submission Category Underline all categories that apply to this project. Please complete forms F-J for each category checked below. If the project is submitted for multiple categories, forms F-J need to be completed for each category. Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Human Health & Wellbeing Optional Categories – check all that apply to this project: Excellence in Water Conservation (Optional) Project of the Year (Optional) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS 1.Project name: 2.Project address: 3.Primary building use: 4.Total site area: 5.Total building square footage: 6.Construction cost: 7.Percentage of open space versus site area: 8.Total number of building users (FTE): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS 9.Projected base building water use (gallons): 10.Does the project use recycled water (Yes/No): 11.If yes, what is the % of total water use (base building or irrigation as applicable): 12.Projected building energy use (kBTu/Yr): 13.Projected building energy use (kBTu/sf/yr): 14.Projected building energy savings (compared to baseline, kBTu/sf/yr): 15.Does the project use renewable energy (Yes/No): 16.If yes, what % of total energy use: Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Circle one category this form pertains to: Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Human Health &Wellbeing Please describe the project’s innovation in this category (max. 100 words): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Circle one category this form pertains to: Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Human Health &Wellbeing Please describe unique steps taken to achieve this innovation and any project drivers that assisted in achieving it (max. 100 words): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Circle one category this form pertains to: Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Human Health &Wellbeing Please describe team collaboration to implement strategies related to this innovation (max. 100 words): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Circle one category this form pertains to: Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Human Health &Wellbeing Please describe the innovation’s impact on the community for this category (max. 100 words): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Insert six (6) images max. on the following slides. Include copyright information (required). Photos will not be used by USGBC-LA for any purposes other than for jury day and the USBGC Award Ceremony Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Add copyright information here (required) Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Excellence in Water Conservation Candidate (Yes or No): Project must have achieved all LEED points for Water Efficiency. If yes, please provide an Excellence in Water Conservation Statement on the next slide. Provide examples that demonstrate why this project should be recognized for Excellence in Water Conservation. Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Excellence in Water Conservation Statement (max. 400 words): Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Project of the Year Candidate (Yes or No): If yes, please provide a Project of the Year Statement on the next slide. Provide examples that demonstrate why this project should be recognized as Project of the Year. Project Form
2016 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION AWARDS Project of the Year Statement (max. 400 words): Project Form