GALLOPING BOOTS SPLINT BOOTS BRUSHING BOOTS Three names for the same thing They keep the horse from hitting the inside of his leg with the opposite leg.
ANKLE BOOTS Protects the ankles, usually hind, from being hit by the opposite foot.
OPEN FRONT BOOTS Protects the inside of the leg from being hit by the opposite foot. The open front allows the leg to feel it if the horse hits a fence, reminding him not to hit it again. Not to be used over solid jumps.
BELL BOOTS Protects the heel bulbs and coronet band of the front feet from being stepped on by the hind. Also helps keep the horse from pulling off his front shoes with his hind feet.
SHOE BOIL BOOT HOOF BOOTS Helps prevent shoe boils, by keeping the heel of the shoe from contacting the elbow while the horse is lying down. Protects an unshod foot from rocks and hard ground, which can bruise the sole.
POLO WRAPS STABLE or STANDING BANDAGES Protects the legs from being hit by the other legs, and the mallet while playing polo. Provides some support for the tendons and ligaments. Provides support for the legs while stabled. Helps prevent legs from stocking up.
SHIPPING BANDAGES Provides protection from the horse hitting one leg with another, and from the horse stepping on his heels and coronet band. Also provides some support to the tendons and ligaments.
SHIPPING BOOTS Protects the legs from being hit by another foot, and from bumping against the sides of the trailer.
SPIDER BANDAGE Provides protection to injured joints. Allows some flexion of the joints.