Promotion of use of PKE Incentives –Sustainability –User-friendly –Support and advice available (helpdesk), Fourm, online training, workshops –Automated information (community of practice?) –Certification –Competition or award Dissemination 1 (European) entry for chronic disease prevention & care Business plan for PKE with integrated marketing plan (target audiences) Use of/add to stakeholder mapping (Gov, medical/healthcare professionals, NGOs, patient orgs, intersectoral) Translations (abstracts?)/Original languages additionally Links on partners´ websites to PKE
Transferability Barriers –Sustainability –Different contexts/ culture/ healthcare systems/ capacities/ resources/ language –Flexibility of systems and good practices –Political instability –Resistance to change among professionals (holistic) and organisations –HPPP: lack of community services and intersectoral point of view Facilitators Sustainability (PKE: regularly updated and info available) Similar conditions (cluster of countries, cross-national, flexible) Transfer/improve parts of good practices Political / managerial commitment (all levels) Professional motivation/training Methodology re transferability available Involvement of key stakeholders across levels and sectors)
Collaboration with other initiatives Sustainability –Funding: EU Structural Funds Mapping of initiatives (stakeholder mapping) – International Broadening the scope /topics (cancer, MH…) Outputs: –Expertise –Network of experts, partners, stakeholders… –PKE –Scientific knowledge / deliverables / methodology used