1 Chapter 1 Recreation and Leisure
2 Introduction Defining leisure and recreation Importance of individual perceptions A major economic force in: Travel and tourism Government Popular entertainment Participatory and spectator sports And much more
Role of Recreation and Leisure Conceptual base Individual/group leisure pursuits Social and psychological implications Outcomes of play and recreation –Positive –Negative Community recreation network Diversity of professional practice 3
3 How We See Recreation Public organizational perspective Senior perspective Broad travel perspective Adventure, risk, excitement, perspective Environmentalist perspective Universal agreement of importance—growing perspective
5 Public Agencies Parks Play- grounds Aquatic Centers Recreation Centers Sport Fields Golf Courses Fitness Centers Senior Centers
6 Travel & Tourism Motor Home Parks Resorts Cruise Lines Cultural Areas Theme Parks Golf Courses National Parks Bed & Breakfast
7 Adventure Excite- ment X- Games Thrill Risk Spelunk -ing Base Jumping Skate- Boarding Snow- Boarding
8 What About You?
4 How Do We Participate? Participant Spectator Group experience Solitary experience Passive Active
Diversity in Participation 10
Case Study: NASCAR Weekend What draws the individual back to NASCAR weekends? −Why? −Recreation or leisure? How applied to Figure 1.1? Which is more important? −Anticipation? −Experience? 11
5 Motivation to Participate Relax Release from work Express creativity Pursue excellence Release hostility Make new friends Why do you participate?
Why We Study Gain a sound philosophy of goals and values of recreation in modern life Fit of recreation in modern life Ability to determine needs for various groups/populations Determine environmental priorities Fit into contemporary political, economic, and social realities 13
Case Study: Why I Quilt Respond. “I want my quilts to bring joy to others, to celebrate events, to comfort, and to give beauty. In doing this I feel a sense of accomplishment, of helping others, and joy!” Think about and share an activity you enjoy. 14
Summary Defining recreation How we see recreation How do we participate Motivations for participation Importance of studying recreation and leisure 15