AREA OF FOCUS The purpose of this study is to define the ways that my daughter and son can build their self-esteem and confidence while dealing with outside criticism.
EXPLANATION OF PROBLEM NEGATIVE CRITICISM AND THE EFFECTS IS HAS ON MY TWO CHILDREN. Tjosvold, Nibler & Wan state, "A willingness to deal with issues directly and openly has been thought critical for managing conflict". (Tjosvold, Nibler & Wan, 2001)
DEFINING VARIABLES 1. Problem-solving Skills 2. Teamwork & Unified Sportsmanship Skills 3. Communication skills 4. Cooperation skills Evans & Slater state, "Developing communication and teamwork skills would support athletes in their social development by forming and maintaining effective relationships". (Evans & Slater 2014)
Research questions 1. After dealing with outside criticism in a negative way, how do my children use their communication skills to express effectively how they feel about the situation? 2. Teamwork and sportsmanship is very important when playing in sports. How do I encourage my children to continue to think positive and be a team player when there is constant tension, conflict and discord between all the players? 3. Dealing with the experience of abusive criticism, how do my children feel confident with in themselves to accomplish personal goals they have set for themselves?
LOCAS OF CONTROL 1. Positive environment for children. 2. Effects on Children. 3. Participation 4. Awareness of outside criticism.
Intervention or Innovation Guide my children and help them to focus on achieving their goals in a positive way.
MEMBERSHIP OF THE ACTION RESEARCH GROUP 1. Abbie White, age Chandler White, age 15 Los-
Negotiations that need to made Consent form must be signed and dated by me, the parent of the two participants in the project. Mills states, Control the focus of study and head off any potential obstacles". (Mills, 2014 p. 71)
ETHICS 1. Freedom From Harm 2. Confidentiality 3. Accuracy Of Data 4. Social Principals (Mills 2014, p. 35&36) Classroom-assessment-theory-into-
TIMELINE I will use diaries, journals, sample of children's performance or video recordings Approximately 2-3 weeks
STATEMENT OR RESOURCES 1. Friedman, A. (2016). Seven ways to boost kids' confidence.,Inc. ways-to-boost-kids- confidence Tietel, J. (2010). Happily ever after? Today's Parent, Retrieved from docview/ ?account is=32521
STATEMENT OR RESOURCES CONT. 3. Rabow, R. (2011). Hoe to raise your child's self-esteem; parents have a role to play in helping their children tackle life's problems with confidence. Post Media News. Retrieved from com/docview/ ?accountid=32521 Raising Children Network. (2016). About self-esteem: Children 1- 8years. esteem.html
DATA COLLECTION IDEAS 1. INTERVIEW 2. Questionnaire 3. OBSERVATION Gano-Phillips states, "children of any age can be studied using observational method. Although adolescents are often reluctant to participate'. (Gano-Phillips 1997)
REFERENCES 1. Evans, A. & Slater, M. (2014). Getting down with kids: Doing sport psychology with gifted and talented youth athletes. Sports & Exercise Psychology Review. 10(3), Gano-Phillips, S. (1997). A classroom exercise for Observing Developmental Differences In Children.
REFERENCES CONT. 3. Mills, G.E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the Teacher researcher (5th. Ed.) Boston, MA.: Pearson Education, Inc. 4. Tjosvold, D., Nibler, R., & Wan, P. (2001). Motivation For conflict among Chinese University Students: Effects Of others 'expertise and one's own confidence on Engaging in conflict. The Journal of Social Psychology. 141(3) Retrieved from