Tardy Bell rings at 8:30 Students entering after 8:30 MUST be signed into the office by a parent.
Tardy Policy After 3 unexcused tardies, students will receive a PE detention. After 5 unexcused tardies, students will receive an after-school detention from 3:30 – 4:30.
Uniforms Fifth Grade Boys and Girls White Oxford Button-down Shirt with Fifth Grade Class logo Forest Green or Yellow Polo with logo Khaki shorts or pants Black, Brown or Khaki belt White socks Solid White, Solid Black or a Combination of Black & White Tennis Shoes – NO OTHER COLORS SHOULD BE SEEN ON THE SHOE Undergarments must be white. Girls Yellow Peter Pan collared shirt with logo OR White Oxford Button-down Shirt with Fifth Grade Class logo Marrero Academy Plaid Skirt
There is a Supply Fee of $25.00 requested from each student attending Marrero Academy. - All supply fee monies will be used to purchase needed classroom supplies throughout the year. Supply Fee
-Classroom Dues are requested in the amount of $20.00 from each student attending Marrero Academy. -All class dues will be used to purchase needed supplies for seasonal classroom celebrations throughout the year, including the graduation ceremony, as well as help fund the class art project for the Gretna Jubilee. Classroom Membership Fee
Money Please send all money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and a note stating where the money is to be allotted.
Parent Communication Each child will have a green folder designated specifically for Parent/ Teacher Communication. This folder will come home every Wednesday. Papers found in this folder will need to be signed and returned to school the following day. Contents may include: - notification of school-wide events - graded papers - permission forms
JP Cell Phone Policy Students are allowed to possess electronic devices on campus. However, all electronic devices must be turned COMPLETELY OFF at all times and must not be visible or audible while students are on the school grounds or on the school bus. This includes field trips. Phone communication during the day must occur on school telephones with permission from appropriate school personnel with the exception of any emergency. “Emergency” means an actual or imminent threat to public health or safety which may result is loss of life, injury, or property damage. Violations of this policy could result in one or more of the following: temporary confiscation of the device, detention(s), or suspension.
Cafeteria Policy According to the Guidelines set forth by the Department of Child Nutrition, students are not allowed to bring additional food or drink items into the cafeteria when purchasing a school breakfast or lunch. No student or visitor should enter the cafeteria with food items displaying fast food labels or logos. No Ramen Noodles or sunflower seeds are allowed at any time. Gum chewing is not allowed at any time.
Parking on Campus If picking your child up from child care in the afternoon, please do not block the bus lane. Please do not park in the faculty/staff parking lot. Visitor parking is in front of the office and on the side of the school.
Test days will be at the completion of the unit. All tests will be announced in advance, and accompanied by a Study Guide to help your student do well. Social Studies
There will be a test in math every week and math homework most nights. Weekly timed quizzes are usually given on Wednesdays. Math
We will meet every other day. Textbooks should be left at home. Students must be prepared daily.
Interactive Notebooks Students should take care of their notebooks. If notes are taken as prompted, everything needed to study should be contained in the notebook. Absent students should check the absent folder and replace notes as soon as possible.
Science Assessments Assessments will be given approximately every two weeks. Two tests will be given each test day. Not all content in the textbook will be covered. Notes and “Essentials Guides” are the primary study tool. Students will edit tests with green pens.
Science Labs Participation grades will include labs. Absent students will be given make-up assignments to be completed at home. Make-up assignments will not be accepted after the assigned due date.
Homework Homework is graded for participation. It will be assigned at the start of the unit and will be collected on test day. Homework that is turned in without a name will earn a 0. With the exception of an absence, homework assignments will not be accepted late.
English/Language Arts ELA is one subject this year. We will be studying a novel each marking period. Kid Biz will be counted as a participation grade. More information will come when Kid Biz is open. Almost every test across all subjects will contain constructed response items.
Homework will be given each night. Homework is not accepted late (except in the case of an absence). It is the student’s responsibility to get all assignments before he/she leaves school for the day. If, by chance, a student fails to get any assignments, please check the wiki for each subject area teacher. Homework
Homework In the past, the entire student body was not given homework on nights when a school event occurred (Open House, PTO, Math & Science Night, Literacy Night). This policy has changed. Teachers may assign homework on those nights, and excuse only those who were in attendance. Usually, dress down passes are given. Now the dress down pass serves as a homework pass also.
Conduct Each subject area receives its own conduct grade. Violations are marked on a chart and the number of violations for the week will correspond to the weekly grade in the Wednesday folder. (5 points for each infraction) 1 = 95 4 = 80 2 = 90 5 = 75 3 = 85 6 = 70
Contact Us (Grade 5 science) (Grade 5 ELA/Social Studies, (Grade 5 ELA/math Phone: (504) Wiki Addresses: