Use Your Writer’s Notebook Define ethos, pathos, and logos in your notebook. Discuss examples of each- use the commercials we watched as examples. Question for your notebook: what technique is most effective in advertising? Choose one and defend your position in your notebook. Then, discuss as a class.
What letters represent what products? Jot down A-Z in your notebook and see how many you know!
How do you persuade your parents? Watch Ari and jot down any technique he uses in order to get what he wants. ARI WANTS Have you ever used the same techniques? Have they worked? Discuss this as a class.
Let’s define…… Target audience= a specific group of people that advertisers aim to buy their product: can be a specific age, gender, and marital status. Persuasion- trying to change a person or groups of people on buying a product.
Logo- a symbol that is used to represent a product.
LOGOS- Can you name the company?
SLOGAN- a short, memorable phrase used in advertising. Read the following slogans and comment on the most effective ones. Ad Slogans Which one is the MOST effective?