Risk assessment CAP131 Working Group (4) 17 November 2006 Slides updated to reflect: Movement of X=12 to X=12.8 to X=11 closure probability value of overall risk allocation to new and existing parties
Content The risk of unnecessary investment The allocation of risk between parties Conversion to years of the investment proxy i.e. X and Y
Why consider risk? Seeking to allocate risk of unnecessary investment between existing generators, new generators, and consumers Seeking to make user commitment commensurate with risk Risk needs to consider the impact of the event the probability of the event
Impact of an event The reduction of TEC of an existing generator or the termination of a new generator agreement would have the same impact, in terms of stranded asset capital cost per kW Analysis shows that a multiple of 12.8 times TNUoS tariff approximates to the capital investment cost and therefore the stranded asset capital cost This figure is reduced by 14% to 11 times TNUoS tariff to take account of re-usable assets
Probability of event Risk of an existing power station closure Over the last ten years, on average 850MW plant has closed each year Over the next price control period this would amount to 6% of installed capacity National Grid is aware of 3% closures that have already been notified Based on historic evidence, the probability of additional closures over the next price control period is 3% Risk of a new generator project termination National Grid forecasts 12GW of new generation will connect in the next PCR period from a contracted background of 24GW Probability of termination = 50%
Historical and Projected Plant Closure
Risk Allocation If we use 11 years Generation TNUoS as the total user commitment required from all parties and apply closure and termination probabilities, can develop scenarios For new generators Stranding risk = Pn * X * Gen TNUoS For existing generators Stranding risk = Pe * Y * Gen TNUoS For consumers Stranding risk = Pn * TNUoS * (11-X) + Pe * TNUoS * (11-Y)
Allocating Risk - Results New Generator Existing Generator All Users Risk 50%×X×TNUoS 3%×Y×TNUoS (50%×(11-X)×TNUoS) +(3%×(11-Y)×TNUoS) X=11 Y=0 94% 0% 6% X=5.5 Y=0 47% 0% 53% X=5.5 Y=2 47% 1% 52%
Money Secured/ Liability (total ) New Generator Existing Generator Security X=11 Y=0 £4.1bn £0 X=5.5 Y=0 £2.1bn £0 X=5.5 Y=2 £2.1bn £4.1bn Liability
Conclusions A combination of X=5.5 and Y=2 places ~50% of the stranding risk with the end consumer Moving 1% of risk to existing generators means a substantial total liability in excess of the £5bn CAPEX plan This is because the probability of closure is so small; and The large size of the generation fleet In other words, all existing generators would cover the small chance of a sudden closure