Lab of Soft Matter Physics Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Ming Li Compaction of Single DNA molecules
Acknowledgement Wen-Bo Fu Xiao-Ling Wang Xing-Hua Zhang Shi-Yong Ran Institute of Physics, CAS National University of Singapore Dr. Jie Yan China National Natural Science Foundation
Human genome (in diploid cells) = 6×10 9 bp 6×10 9 bp×0.34 nm/bp = 2.04 ×10 9 nm = 2 m/cell Diameter of nucleus = 5-10 m Very thin (2.0 nm), extremely fragile (Must be protected) DNA must be packaged
Formation of the doughnut (toroid)
TEM picture of the toroid
DNA is a highly charged chain !
Attractive interaction is induced by electrostatic correlation
How is DNA compacted into a toroid?
Watching the action of a DNA! ?
Magnet Magnetic bead
End-to-end distance vs time
Connecting DNA to two beads Biotin ended digoxigenin
The machine
Magnet Magnetic bead
End-to-end distance vs time
Phenomenological energy landscape
1 turn 1½ turns2 turns Quantized condensation!
Kulic and Schiessel, PRL, 92, (2004)
Quantized (de)condensation is due to a kinetic barrier!
DNA wraps on histones to form nucleosomes
Chaperones are expected to aid in forming nucleosomes
Purified histones are able to condense DNA
Exponential vs. Sigmoidal Low protein concentration High protein concentration
DNA wraps on histones in a stepwise manner F<2 pN
DNA unwraps off histones also in a stepwise manner. F>20 pN
Summary Multivalent cations compact DNA into toroid. The DNA is added onto (stripped off) the toroid in a stepwise manner, suggesting transitions between two metastable structural states. Purified histones alone are able to condense DNA. The histones compact DNA independently at low concentrations. But they compact DNA cooperatively at high concentrations.
Thank you!