Legend Springs Outdoor Education YMCA Camp Surf Imperial Beach, CA
At Camp Students will: Participate in academically focused classes. CSI – Critter Skull Investigation Jetty Rocks! – Discover special adaptations that allow plants and animals to live on the Jetty Simply Solar - Harvest solar energy to run a motor, a radio, and cook food! Much, much more… Participate in team building activities. Create and perform a skit. Sing camp songs and make s’mores around the campfire. Create some of their fondest elementary school memories.
Travel Depart school 4:00 am, September 12 Return to school 8:30ish pm, September 14 We will communicate more precise times upon leaving camp and as we approach home. We will stop for breakfast on the way to camp and for dinner on the way home. Students will need money or gift card.
Money Cost $280 – due tomorrow (click) “Online Donations” “Make a Donation”(click) Send or receipt to your child’s teacher Students can bring money for camp store. $ for a sweatshirt, $ for a t-shirt, other novelty items available Students will need money or McDonald’s gift card for 2 meals.
YES…NO…? NO Electronic Devises - cell phones, iPads, iPods, etc. There will be ways for your child to contact you if needed and vise versa. YES Cameras Disposable cameras are recommended. Bring digital camera at our own risk. A cell phone for a camera is NOT acceptable. NO snacks – Snacks attract animals and insects and can pose safety risks to children with allergies.
QUESTIONS? What is done for children with dietary needs? We work closely with parents and the camp to account and accommodate for all dietary needs and allergies. What about medications? The school nurse will attend the trip and administer medications. What are the sleeping accommodations? Up to 14 campers and 2 chaperons per cabin. Boys and girls in separate cabins. Do you take a lot of pictures/videos so the parents can see what camp is like? Yes. Students will receive many of these on their end of year video and many will be posted to the internet. We will know who the group leaders are before they go? Yes, approximate 1-2 weeks before we leave. Do they need bathing suits? It will depend on the forecast. Stay tuned. How long is the drive? 7 hours with stops for food and restroom.