Pollinator Stewardship
Leader: How many are your works, O L ORD ! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works. Leader: There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number – living things both large and small. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works.
Leader: You make springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works. Leader: The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. You water the mountains from your upper chambers; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of your work. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works.
Leader: You make grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate – bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works. Leader: The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens. Congregation: May the glory of the L ORD endure forever; may the L ORD rejoice in his works.
Leader: How many are your works, O L ORD ! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. All: I will sing to the L ORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Our Food Depends on Pollinators
Not Just Food
Not All Pollinators are Alike!
Pollinators are Endangered
Fewer Pollinators = Less Biodiversity
We Need Pollinators and Pollinators Need Us
Feed them!
Give Them a Drink!
Protect them!
Buy Local!
2015 is the 60th Anniversary of the NACD Soil and Water Stewardship Week April 26 to May 3, 2015
The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Stewardship Week is one of the largest conservation-related observances. The 3,000 conservation districts that make up NACD, manage soil and water conservation programs in virtually every community in the United States. Since 1955, NACD has sponsored the national Stewardship Week program by selecting a theme and developing materials for schools, communities and churches of all denominations. Stewardship Week, celebrated annually between the last Sunday in April and the first Sunday in May, reminds us of our personal responsibility to care for the natural resources which we all depend upon. The celebration and observance of Stewardship continue throughout the year not for just one week. The concept of Stewardship involves personal and social responsibility. We have a duty to learn about and improve natural resources as we use them wisely. By doing this we can achieve material and spiritual growth in our own lives, and leave a rich legacy for future generations.
NACD Soil and Water Stewardship Week 2015 April 26 to May 3, 2015 For additional information about Conservation or Stewardship and Education activities go to: Or contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District at ________________________________________ Or visit to find your local district