The Quran
The Greatest weapon of all is seeking Refuge with Allah ● Even before reading the Quran we should seek refuge: ● "And when you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast. Lo! he has no power over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. ( Nahl 98-99).
bn al-Qayyim discussed the wisdom behind seeking refuge in Allah from Satan while reading the Quran. He stated: ● The Quran is a healing for whatever is in the Heart; it removes whatever comes from Satan, be it his evil whisperings, lusts or evil desires. ● It is the antidote to what Satan has put into the heart. So first the person is asked to reject whatever is in his heart from the acts of Satan. ● By seeking refuge first, the Quran can do its job as a medicine because the heart will be free from the whispers of whatever ails it.
Seeking refuge before reading the Quran is critical because: ● The Quran is the source of guidance, knowledge and good in the heart of the reader, in the same way that water is the source that brings forth plants. ● Satan is a fire that burns down the plants, one by one. ● For every good plant that springs in the heart, Satan attempts to destroy it and,burn it down. And Allah orders us to seek refuge in Him in order for Him to ruin what Satan is attempting to do.
Seeking refuge before reading the Quran also pulls in the angels: ● The angels descend upon the one who reads the Quran and listen to its recitation. This has been related in a Hadith in which ibn Hudhair was reciting the Quran and he saw a canopy with lamps in it. The Prophet (peace him) told him that those were angels. ● And the devils are the opposite of the angels and are their enemies. ● The one who reads the Quran has been ordered to ask Allah that he should be put far away from his enemy, the devils, until he is in the midst of only angels. This situation cannot possibly be occupied by both the angels and the devils at the same time.
Seeking refuge before reading the Quran also runs satan away: ● Satan tries to disturb the one who reads the Quran with his steeds and feet until the reader is void of the meanings of the Quran. ● The reader should try to ponder over and understand the words of Allah. ● Satan tries to come between his heart and the meaning of the Quran. Thus the reader is not able to benefit from the Quran. ● Therefore we have been ordered to seek refuge from this Satan when we are about to read the Quran.
Seeking refuge before reading also puts you in tune with Allah: ● The reader of the Quran is in a private conversation with Allah. And Allah listens closer to His words when recited in a pleasant way. ● The song of Satan is poetry and music. ● The reader has been ordered to seek refuge from Satan so Satan will be removed from the private conversation and Allah will listen to the persons recital.
Allah has stated that whenever He sent a Messenger or a Prophet, Satan has always tried to interfere in what he is preaching by bringing words or ideas that do not originate with Allah. ● The early scholars all agreed that this meant that when one is reciting, Satan throws some words or such into the recital. ● If this was done with respect to the Prophets, what must be the case with respect to others? ● This is why the reciter sometimes will make mistakes. And why he sometimes gets confused and cannot recite properly. Or his mind and his heart becomes confused. ● When he begins to recite, he might find one of these, if not all of them, occurring. Seeking refuge before reading remedies this.
So Thus: ● One of the ways to win the battle against satan and his army of Jinn is thru reciting the Quran and pondering its meanings ● And before doing that one should arm himself by seeking refuge with Allah.
Du'aa one of the greatest weapons of the believer: ● The Prophet used to pray for his grandsons, al-Hasan and al- Husain, by saying, ● "I seek refuge for you two by Allahs perfect word, from every Satan and evil suggestion (Ar., haama) and from every evil eye (laama)..“ ● Then he said, ● "This is how my father Abraham used to invoke for Ishmael and Isaac.” ● (Bukhari and Muslim)
The best dua against satan and his army of Jinn are the last two surah of the Quran: ● The best words to make invocations with are surah al- Falaq and surah al-Nass. ● Uqbah ibn Amr narrated that the Prophet said, ● "The people did not make invocation like these two: ● "Say,.I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak,. and.Say,.I seek refuge in the Lord of Mankind... “ ● (Recorded by al-Nasaai )
Remembrance of Allah
Also one of the greatest weapons against the Jinn is to busy yourself in remembrance of Allah: ● Remembrance of Allah is one of the greatest acts that will save the person from Satan. ● We shall present the hadith in which John came to the Tribes of Israel with five commands. One of them was, "And I order you to make remembrance of Allah for its example is like that of a man who is being chased quickly by an enemy until he reaches a protected fort. He then protects himself from the enemy. ● Similarly, the servant does not protect himself except by the remembrance of Allah..
Remembrance of Allah can take on many forms such as: ● Reading Quran ● Attending classes to learn islam ● Praying and Making Duaa ● Fasting ● Reciting words such as subhanallah