Robinson Crusoe It was published in 1909 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Novel seems expensive, large, 435 pages. It is by Daniel Defoe and illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. The extras are the illustrations and the chapter breaks. They might have been included to present a cleaner and more positive image for the younger audience it is targeted towards. The illustrations and chapter breaks present the novel in a more organized manner and the illustrations paint a picture of the events. Personally, we had a more brutal and dangerous experience because we had our imagination and the words to rely on rather than the colorful illustrations while reading Robinson Crusoe.
The novel was directed towards young adults. This was presented by New Jersey College for women to Rutgers library. It was less brutal it was for the women. This text makes the women’s role less objectified than it originally was. When we read it, was more brutal. The text is missing a preface and the ending is different. His words towards his wife were very different in this text. In our edition, he was more objectifying of women. When Crusoe treats women well it is left in the novel. The book is a novel.
Sails in the background. Colorful illustrations, open and blue sky, birds.
Well dressed, everything seems in order, well groomed, very cozy for a deserted island, the wild animals seem trained and obedient. The fancy boxes.
The way he’s dressed is questionable and the fence in the background. It seems like an established place and pretty cleaned up for an island with no one on it.