Agenda Syllabus What is the Welfare State? Who uses welfare to survive? Surviving in the low wage job market – assignment for next week. Nearly everyone uses it at some point when you include public education, social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
To Accompany Beth Shulman’s The Betrayal of Work Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. Who Is Likely to Use Poverty-Related Welfare Programs?
Question 1 What % of Adults experience poverty by age ___ ? 20 40 75
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.93
Question 2 By age 75, what % have experienced the following years in poverty? 2+ 3+ 4+
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.94
Question 3 Does _______ matter, if so how? Race Education Gender
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.96
Question 4 Is there a combined effect of race, education and gender? If so, who is worst off? Best off?
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press.
Does more Government Money Go to Rural or Urban Areas? Answer: overall more money goes to urban areas because more people live there, but if you look at the average going to each person, rural people get more aid per person. Answer: overall more money goes to urban areas because more people live there, but if you look at the average going to each person, rural people get more aid per person. Of the $1.1 trillion in Federal, State, and local government transfers to individuals in 2001, $214 billion went to nonmetro residents and $897 billion went to metro residents. On a per capita basis, nonmetro residents got more transfers than metro residents, $4,375 vs. $3,798. With per capital income of $22,391 in nonmetro areas and $32,077 in metro areas, government transfers account for 20 percent of nonmetro and 12 percent of metro income. alWelfare/ alWelfare/
Question 5 Name the top 10 occupations of the poor: The top 10 of the non-poor:
Source: Timothy Bartik Jobs for the Poor: Can Labor Demand Policies Help?. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. p45
Question 6 What % of Adults have participated in cash welfare programs by age ___ ? 20 40 65 What percent in any welfare program for the poor?
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.103 Almost 2/3!
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.105
Question 7 Who makes up the largest % of welfare recipients?
Surviving in the low wage job market – assignment for next week. TV News: A profile of Low Wage Work Work in pairs of 2 Sign up for a news segment to present next week in class Each news clip is less than one minute Each class member must bring at least one “prop”. News segments will be video recorded and posted in course notes
Assignment for Next Week 1.Interview: Linda Stevens 2.Interview: Flor Segunda 3.Interview: Bob Butler 4.Thematic: What’s a Low Wage 5.Thematic: Health, why low-wage workers can’t get sick 6.Thematic: can’t get a steady day job 7.Thematic: can’t work and properly care for their children 8.Thematic: safety 9.Thematic: dignity 10.Thematic: security
Sign-up for Next Week's Television Special Report Sign up 1.Interview: Linda Stevens 2.Interview: Flor Segunda 3.Interview: Bob Butler 4.Thematic: What’s a Low Wage 5.Thematic: Health, why low-wage workers can’t get sick 6.Thematic: can’t get a steady day job 7.Thematic: can’t work and properly care for their children 8.Thematic: safety 9.Thematic: dignity 10.Thematic: security
What to Focus on in Video InterviewWhen it will be airedWeek 1.Interview: Linda Stevens Job situation good jobs vs, bad jobs see also p.25 9first page of Chapter 2 in Shulman) Income Security Carol Taylor West Article3 2.Interview: Flor Segunda Housing and Living SituationHousing Policy4 3.Interview: Bob Butler on the Job Injuries and Safety Hazards Workers Compensation3 4.Thematic: What’s a Low Wage How US workers compare to workers in other countries, how wealth is distributed US Comparative Welfare State3-Feb 5.Thematic: Health, why low- wage workers can’t get sick Who has health insurance and who does notHealthcare4 6.Thematic: can’t get a steady day job Job situation good jobs vs, bad jobs see also p.25 9first page of Chapter 2 in Shulman) Income Security Carol Taylor West Article3 7.Thematic: can’t work and properly care for their children Balancing work and childcare and school needs (when do you do homework with your children?) The Home End of the School Quality Debate5 8.Thematic: safety Relationship betwee workplace and healthHealthcare II4 9.Thematic: dignity How low wage workrers and low wage employers get alongMeans-Tested TANF4 10.Thematic: security How low wage jobs provide for retirement and savings Social Insurance (Devroye)3
Source: Mark Rank One Nation, Underprivileged. Oxford University Press. P.80
Source: Timothy Bartik Jobs for the Poor: Can Labor Demand Policies Help?. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. P.24
Source: Timothy Bartik Jobs for the Poor: Can Labor Demand Policies Help?. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. P.73