Teenage Suicide Caused by Family Problems Made By: Natalie McNamara, Meghan Groeshel, and Kenzie Mevis
Theme Teenage suicide is a growing problem in America nowadays. It has many different causes. Some include bullying, family problems, and low self esteem.
Examples in Romeo and Juliet "Which she hath praised him with above compare so many thousand times? Go, counselor! Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. I'll to the friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have the power to die.” (Shakespeare ) Juliet is talking to Lady Capulet, and Lady Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris. Juliet is saying if she has to marry Paris she would rather die. This is an example of how family issues (like Lady Capulet wanting Juliet to marry Paris) can cause teens to become depressed and suicidal.
Examples in Romeo and Juliet cont… "Well, girl, thou weep'st not so much for his death as theat the villian lives which slaughtered him" ~Lady Capulet (Shakespeare ) Lady Capulet is scolding Juliet for not weeping for her cousin’s death, but for Romeo her husband and defending him. Even though he killed Tybalt (her cousin). This causes tension and makes Juliet depressed.
Examples in Romeo and Juliet cont… "My only love sprung from my only hate!" (Shakespeare ). -Juliet finds out that Romeo is a Montague (her enemy) and is depressed. She knows her families should not associate with each other, but she is in love.
Research Question & Topic What role do family issues play in teenage suicide and depression? Such as – Divorce – Loss of a family member – Disagreements – Handicapped/Special Needs Family Member
Research Often when family members commit suicide it causes other members of that family to become depressed. This was the case with Karen Kimball. Her husband had committed suicide. Her son, Ben, became depressed. She did not notice her son's problems until it was to late, because she was so busy with her own depression. Ben committed suicide at age 16.
Research Cont… Out of all the types of stress that a person has, family stress is the type that had the greatest impact on the person. The study showed that family stress caused more impact on the patient's health than social or financial stress.
Research Cont… In a research project, it was found that people with a lot of family stress have more frequent follow-up visits to the doctor, more referrals to specialists, and more hospitalizations than those who did not. It was also found that the people with family stress had overall fewer social support systems.
Research cont… If teens are abused by their own family, suicide and depression rates increase by a lot. Other effects of abuse include poor sleeping, poor school preformance, and trouble with making relationships. Early detection of suicide and depression is key.
Research Cont… Teens need a lot of adult guidance and support as they are growing up. Any changes in the family can be a large cause of stress for teens and can cause then to become depressed. Teens need an adult to help them through the emotional and physical changes that are taking place at this time in their lives. Each year, almost 5,000 teens commit suicide.
Research Cont… Family is really a big part of suicide and depression. Family can help prevent it, but family can also cause it. People with issues inside of their families have a much higher chance of becoming depressed than people who don't. Also, family is a great support system and it is importan for teens to have.
Links to Romeo and Juliet "Which she hath praised him with above compare so many thousand times? Go, counselor! Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. I'll to the friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have the power to die."~ Juliet (Shakespeare ) Juliet is frustrated that her mother favors Paris so much. And if she is forced to marry Paris she will kill hersellf.
Links to Romeo and Juliet "Well, girl, thou weep'st not so much for his death as theat the villian lives which slaughtered him" ~Lady Capulet (Shakespeare ) Lady Capulet is talking to Juliet about how she is not mourning her own cousin’s death but is favoring her husband even though he killed him
Links to Romeo and Juliet "My only love sprung from my only hate!" ~Juliet (Shakespeare ). Juliet is frustrated because she finds out that Romeo is a Montague. This causes her to become depressed and unsure.
Links to teenagers today Teenagers today have problems with their family that causes them to become depressed and suicidal. Things such as divorce can cause a lot of stress for teens. It can cause them to think that they were the cause of the divorce and eventually they may become suicidal. When teens don’t get along with their parents they can become frustrated with themselves and their parents and become suicidal.
Thesis Family issues play a major role in teen suicide and depression.