By: Victoria Salazar Universal Design for Learning vs. Differentiation
Compare UDL vs. Differentiation Universal Design/Learning Plans for the future “Technology plays a supportive role in UDL implementation” (Puckett, 3.1, 2013). Individualize instruction by embedding numerous, short video- based scenarios within a computer- based program (Zydney & Hasselbring, 2014). Differentiation Teaches with the students in mind-look at learning goals and adjust teaching based on students interest, readiness, and preferences so all students can be successful” ( Puckett, 1.1, 2013). “Teachers plan strategically to reach the diverse learners in the classroom” (Parsons & Dodman, 2013).
UDL & Differentiation Similarities Both create a framework for developing lessons following the curriculum to address the needs of all learners (Zydney & Hasselbring, 2014). Both teach with the students in mind, whether it is meeting them in the middle or teaching with the future in mind.
My Goal As a teacher it is my goal to create a learning environment that is engaging and conducive to learning. It is important to include all children in the learning process and ensure that all students have the tools to succeed. I will create and present new information by keeping the children’s interests in mind, because I believe that it is important for the students to be excited and interested in what he or she are learning.
Prior Background Knowledge As Bill Clinton has stated “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist…using technologies that haven’t yet been invented…in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet” (Sydney & Hasselbring, 2014). This statement cannot be more true for our teachers today, but teachers must first assess the students to see what he or she already knows. Prior background knowledge can be achieved through assessments, whether it is assessments through the form of short answer questions or a questions and answers on a computer to also test their computer skills.
Engage and Motivate Observing students and taking note of their interests to apply it to lessons would help engage and motivate learning. Using different teaching strategies such as computers, games, and group projects keep the classroom environment exciting and a little unpredictable which keeps the students engaged. An example could be observing the students showing great excitement for Halloween so I could have them do a group project about the history of Halloween.
Reference Parsons, S. A, and Dodman, S. L. 1 September Broadening the view of differentiated instruction. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved from 45db-b0e6-caa509bb516b%40sessionmgr114&hid=103 Puckett, K (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA.Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide Zydney, J. M. and Hasselbring, T. S. 1 November “Mini anchors: a universal design for learning approach. Tech trends: linking research and practice to improve learning. Vol. 58 num. 6. Retrieved from 42e8-b938-f3b192babf86%40sessionmgr112&hid=103 42e8-b938-f3b192babf86%40sessionmgr112&hid=103