Wellbeing Council Lache Primary School Behaviour policy
Our School ‘Golden Rules’ Always listen carefully Always be kind to others Always use good manners Always use kind words Always respect our school property Always move calmly around our school Always try your best. The Wellbeing council have agreed upon these simple rules to help us all achieve our best and enjoy our time in school.
Smiles Everybody will be awarded 1 smile at the end of each day unless you receive a circle. You can earn extra smiles by working hard, following the school rules and being an exceptional role model. They might be given for: Being polite or kind Lining up correctly (silently and facing the correct way) Working well on task Being helpful, holding doors open, doing jobs Completing homework Not having any circles during the day Hard work and effort in lessons Behaving brilliantly at lunchtimes Sitting well in assembly
Smiles When you receive a certain number of smiles you will receive a reward. 100 smiles = Bronze - you will have a reward from the class reward box 200 smiles = Silver - you will have another reward from the class reward box 300 smiles = Gold - you will receive a reward from Mr Pullen
Golden Time If you work hard and follow the school rules you will be invited to take part in a Golden Time activity at the end of the week. This is a reward to all children who try their best all of the time. Sometimes making poor choices may mean that you are not invited to take part in the Golden Time activity.
Circles Circles are warnings for making poor choices. You could be given a circle by your teacher or any other adult in school if you make a poor choice. For example, if you are unable to keep to the school rules, you could receive a circle. If you get to 3 or higher in one day, you will miss out on the Golden Time activity at the end of the week. Sometimes very poor choices may mean you go straight on to 3 circles or even higher. C
Sanctions If you receive a circle – you will receive a sanction. Your teacher may give you a quiet warning before you get a circle, but if you continue to make poor choices you will receive: Caution = This is a formal warning 1 circle= 5 minutes of Time Out to think about your behaviour and how to improve 2 circles=you will miss 5 minutes of playtime 3 circles=You will miss a whole playtime and you will not be able to take part in the Golden Time Activity. 4 circles=Lunchtime exclusion – you may have to work in another class 5 circles=Internal Exclusion for the day – working away from class C
Sanctions If you receive a 3 circle sanction or higher: We may talk to home to explain what has happened. You will not be invited to take part in Golden Time on this occasion, but you will be next time if your behaviour improves. You will not be allowed to take part in after school clubs and activities. If you you receive a sanction for refusing to work: You will have to catch up on any unfinished work during your own time.
Behaviours and Sanctions 1 Circle-not doing as you have been asked in class, using bad language, pushing in lines, not listening, shouting out, antagonising others, not following the Whole School Rules 2 Circles-refusing to do work in class, writing rude or mean things, distracting others when they are trying to learn, leaving the class without permission 3 Circles-swearing at people, abusive language to others, physical violence to others (aggressive pushing and shoving), 4 Circles-kicking, punching others, threatening others, stealing, damaging property, 5 Circles-running out of school, unprovoked violence towards others, extremely abusive language towards others Some behaviour could lead to you being sent out of school – this is called an exclusion and is very serious. These are some of the behaviours that could lead to you receiving circles.
Class Rewards When all the pupils in a class have achieved a Bronze award the class will be able to have a treat lasting approximately 1 hour. (For example: extra playtime, adventure playground, class games, video) When all the pupils in a class have received a Silver award, the class will be able to have a treat lasting approximately 1 and a half hours. (To be decided in class) When all the pupils in a class have received a Gold award, the class will be able to have a treat lasting for 1 afternoon. (This may involve going out of school some times too.)
Think about your behaviour and start collecting smiles.