1 Profiling Working Group Update to COPS May 13, 2015 Jim Lee (AEP) – Chair Sheri Wiegand (TXU) – Vice Chair
LPGRR055, Extend Load Profile Model Calendar Inputs to 2030 LPGRR055 is an administrative change that extends the Load Profile Model calendar-related inputs in Appendix E: Profile Model Spreadsheets, from 2020 to Background: April 1 st PWG – performed initial language review; ERCOT to bring back Impact Analysis to April 29 th PWG meeting. April 29 th PWG – reviewed Impact Analysis (no impact); recommended approval of LPGRR055 to COPS. Next Steps: COPS to Vote on LPGRR055. If approved, LPGRR055 will move to TAC. COPS Voting Item: LPGRR055 2
Background: NRG requested the TDSPs to review and possibly modify their processes for handling initial load profile assignments for temporary services for non-residential customers. Historically, the profile “BUSMEDLF” was used, which had an associated backcast profile of approximately 500kWh which caused credit and customer experience implications. The Joint TDSPs discussed this request, developed their proposal, and presented their proposal to the PWG in the form of the draft LPGRR. The PWG discussed the draft LPGRR at the April 29 th meeting & will continue to review further at the May 27 th PWG. April 29 th PWG: Draft LPGRR – Initial Profile Code Assignments for Temporary Services 3
Proposed language edits to the Load Profiling Guide, Appendix D: Profile Decision Tree: III. Business (BUS) Assignment Year for Average Load Factor calculations: July of the previous calendar year through June of the current calendar year For each ESI ID, assign the applicable Profile Segment based on the steps below. Because the steps below are not mutually exclusive, it is necessary to step through each of the following in the order listed, for each ESI ID, until an applicable case is found. Once an applicable case has been found follow the instructions in 'E' below for ESI IDs that have Distributed Generation (per the DG tab). A. Assign the IDRRQ ('IDR required') Profile Segment to all BUS ESI IDs required to have an IDR Meter, per Section 18 of the ERCOT Nodal Protocols. B.Assign the OGFLT (Oil & Gas Flat) Profile Segment to: ESI IDs for which ERCOT has informed the TDSP that OGFLT should be assigned per the Oil & Gas tab. C.Assign the NODEM Profile Segment for non-residential ESI IDs which the TDSP deems appropriate for the ESI ID in order to comply with each TDSP’s specific Tariff where applicable. April 29 th PWG: Draft LPGRR – Initial Profile Code Assignments for Temporary Services 4
With the saturation of AMS meters and the fact that most of the TDSPs are complete with their AMS deployment, ERCOT and PWG members felt that it was necessary for PWG to review Protocol Section 18 – Load Profiling, to ensure the content was up-to-date and accurate. As such, the PWG will begin meeting in person at the MET Center to perform a thorough review of Section 18 beginning May 27 th with the goal of completing review of Section 18 by the end of Participation in this review is highly encouraged by all interested Market Participants!!! April 29 th PWG: Review of Protocol Section 18 – Load Profiling 5
6 Next PWG meeting date: May 27 th, 9:30am start time (In-person METCenter Rm 210A) Agenda items: Draft LPGRR – Initial Profile Code Assignment for Temporary Services Protocol Section 18 Review