Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme Heating Substrate Cooling Enzyme Cooling Substrate Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Cooling Enzyme Cooling Substrate Increasing enzyme conc Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Enzyme Cooling Substrate Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Enzyme Increases Less Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Substrate Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Enzyme Increases Less Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Substrate Increases Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Enzyme Increases Less Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Substrate Increases Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Decreases Assuming there is enough substrate; more enzyme increase the number of collisions and speeds up the reaction Increasing substrate conc
Enzyme denatures in heat Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Variable Reaction Time… Why does this Happen? Temperature Heating Enzyme STOPS Enzyme denatures in heat Heating Substrate Decreases More Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Enzyme Increases Less Molecular Kinetic Energy Cooling Substrate Increases Concentration Increasing enzyme conc Decreases Assuming there is enough substrate; more enzyme increase the number of collisions and speeds up the reaction Increasing substrate conc Decreases More substrate (H2O2) increases the number of collisions until the point in which the enzyme is saturated